Auction Update Review
Rare Book Hub: 56 Auctions Archived, another 11 Upcoming this Week
For the week ended Friday, 22 December, 56 auctions were archived to Rare Book Hub’s Transactions+ database; 2 denominated in Danish krone. 25 in euros, 2 in British pounds, 1 in Mexican pesos, 1 in New Zealand dollars, and 25 in US dollars.
Turnover was $16,780,260.83 as 77.83% of all lots changed hands. The average lot sold for $1,284.27.
The year is going out with a whimper as the field is taking a deep breath. Soon fresh opportunities will abound.
Season’s Greetings!
4 auctions saw their total proceeds reach a million dollars:
Heritage Auctions. Trading Card Games Signature Auction on December 17th: $2,374,277
Sothebys. Collection Hubert Guerrand-Hermès, Autour de la duchesse de Berry on December 15th: $1,992,053
Arader Galleries. December 2023 Auction on December 9th: $1,130,320
Heritage Auctions. Historical Platinum Session Signature Auction on December 15th: $1,043,500
12 auctions saw total sales exceed 100% of the high estimates of all lots offered in the sale:
Sothebys. Hubert Guerrand-Hermès Collection, Around the Duchess of Berry | Online - bidstart 12/11 on December 18th: 328.20%
Arenberg Auctions. Renier Chalon on December 15th: 228.19%
Bruun Rasmussen. Paintings, Furniture and Varia - Books on December 18th: 221.45%
Sothebys. Collection Hubert Guerrand-Hermès, Autour de la duchesse de Berry on December 15th: 184.64%
Doyle New York. Doyle@Home and Holiday Gifts on December 20th: 182.74%
Catawiki B. V.. Autographs and Manuscripts - bidstart 12/1 on December 12th: 163.98%
De Baecque and Associes. The Collections of Bernard Mamy - Caricatures and Books on December 15th: 151.98%
Zwiggelaar Auctions. Books - Session I on December 4th: 123.52%
Zwiggelaar Auctions. Books - Session III on December 6th: 115.75%
Zwiggelaar Auctions. Books - Session II on December 5th: 112.28%
Arenberg Auctions. Rare Books & old manuscripts on December 16th: 109.30%
Doyle New York. Stage and Screen on December 15th: 105.97%
33 sales saw at least 80% of their lots sell:
Catawiki B. V.. Old and Rare Books Auction (pre-1700) - bidstart 12/1 on December 12th: 100.00%
Catawiki B. V.. Autographs and Manuscripts - bidstart 12/1 on December 12th: 100.00%
Catawiki B. V.. Old and Rare Books Auction (pre-1700) - bidstart 12/1 on December 11th: 100.00%
Doyle New York. Doyle@Home and Holiday Gifts on December 20th: 100.00%
Bruun Rasmussen. Paintings, Furniture and Varia - Books on December 18th: 100.00%
Schilb Antiquarian. Rare Books with NO Reserve, NO Buyer's Premium on December 17th: 100.00%
Sothebys. Hubert Guerrand-Hermès Collection, Around the Duchess of Berry | Online - bidstart 12/11 on December 18th: 100.00%
Sothebys. Pier 24 Photography from the Pilara Family Foundation Sold to Benefit Charitable Organizations on December 18th: 100.00%
Sothebys. Collection Hubert Guerrand-Hermès, Autour de la duchesse de Berry on December 15th: 100.00%
Heritage Auctions. Pulp Showcase Auction Featuring the Malcolm Edwards Collection on December 15th: 100.00%
Arenberg Auctions. Renier Chalon on December 15th: 99.78%
Heritage Auctions. Sunday, Monday & Tuesday Comic Books Select Auction on December 19th: 99.78%
Arenberg Auctions. Rare Books & old manuscripts on December 16th: 99.45%
Heritage Auctions. Tuesday World Paper Money Select Auction on December 19th: 99.43%
Heritage Auctions. Tuesday US Currency Select Auction on December 19th: 99.17%
Heritage Auctions. Trading Card Games Signature Auction on December 17th: 98.77%
Sothebys. The Emily Fisher Landau Collection: An Era Defined | Online Auction on December 15th: 98.72%
Heritage Auctions. Wednesday Comic Art and Animation Select Auction on December 20th: 98.56%
Heritage Auctions. Space Exploration Signature Auction on December 15th: 98.56%
Heritage Auctions. Sunday Sports Collectibles Select Auction on December 17th: 98.28%
Gorringes. Weekly Featuring Books on December 18th: 97.83%
Trillium Antique Prints & Rare Books. Fine Art - Antique Engravings & Lithographs - Works on Paper - bidstart 12/9 on December 16th: 93.71%
Kedem Auctions Ltd.. Auction 051 Part 1 Online Auction: on December 18th: 91.82%
Robert Siegel Galleries. United States Postal History on December 16th: 90.07%
Heritage Auctions. Sunday Movie Posters Select Auction on December 17th: 87.32%
Heritage Auctions. Historical Platinum Session Signature Auction on December 15th: 87.30%
Tessier & Sarrou and Associates. Books and Manuscripts on December 15th: 86.10%
Dunbar Sloane. Rowan Gibbs Book Collection - bidstart 11/16 on December 14th: 85.07%
Doyle New York. Stage and Screen on December 15th: 82.56%
Kedem Auctions Ltd.. Auction 051 Part 2 Online Auction: on December 19th: 82.37%
Early American. History Auction at Early American on December 16th: 81.70%
Zwiggelaar Auctions. Books - Session II on December 5th: 81.33%
De Baecque and Associes. The Collections of Bernard Mamy - Caricatures and Books on December 15th: 80.41%
56 total sales reported this week:
Catawiki B. V.. Old and Rare Books Auction (pre-1700) - bidstart 12/1 on December 12th: 100.00%
Catawiki B. V.. Autographs and Manuscripts - bidstart 12/1 on December 12th: 100.00%
Catawiki B. V.. Old and Rare Books Auction (pre-1700) - bidstart 12/1 on December 11th: 100.00%
Catawiki B. V.. Old and Rare Books Auction (pre-1700) - bidstart 5/26 on December 10th: 74.07%
Catawiki B. V.. Exclusive Books - bidstart 12/1 on December 10th: 75.00%
Catawiki B. V.. Autographs and Manuscripts - bidstart 12/1 on December 10th: 76.19%
Doyle New York. Doyle@Home and Holiday Gifts on December 20th: 100.00%
Vermot de Pas. Sporlympic X: On the Theme of Sport and Olympism on December 19th: 48.94%
Dorotheum . Books and Decorative Graphics on December 19th: 64.97%
Bruun Rasmussen. Modern Art and Design - Prints on December 19th: 77.05%
Ader. Photographs online on December 19th: 60.08%
Kedem Auctions Ltd.. Auction 051 Part 2 Online Auction: on December 19th: 82.37%
Kedem Auctions Ltd.. Auction 051 Part 1 Online Auction: on December 18th: 91.82%
Gorringes. Weekly Featuring Books on December 18th: 97.83%
Bonhams. Prints and Multiples on December 18th: 57.00%
Robert Siegel Galleries. United States Postal History on December 16th: 90.07%
Tessier & Sarrou and Associates. Books and Manuscripts on December 15th: 86.10%
Kiefer Buch und Kunstauktionen. Books, Graphics modern and ancient Arts, Antiques - Day 2 on December 14th: 53.78%
Kiefer Buch und Kunstauktionen. Books, Graphics modern and ancient Arts, Antiques - Day 1 on December 13th: 43.05%
Zwiggelaar Auctions. Books - Session V on December 8th: 71.69%
Zwiggelaar Auctions. Books - Session IV on December 7th: 72.94%
Zwiggelaar Auctions. Books - Session III on December 6th: 74.27%
Zwiggelaar Auctions. Books - Session II on December 5th: 81.33%
Zwiggelaar Auctions. Books - Session I on December 4th: 78.00%
Heritage Auctions. Wednesday Trading Card Games Select Auction on December 20th: 51.58%
Heritage Auctions. Wednesday Comic Art and Animation Select Auction on December 20th: 98.56%
Heritage Auctions. Tuesday World Paper Money Select Auction on December 19th: 99.43%
Heritage Auctions. Tuesday US Currency Select Auction on December 19th: 99.17%
Heritage Auctions. Sunday, Monday & Tuesday Comic Books Select Auction on December 19th: 99.78%
Morton Subastas. Discovery Auction on December 16th: 45.54%
Bruun Rasmussen. Paintings, Furniture and Varia - Books on December 18th: 100.00%
Schilb Antiquarian. Rare Books with NO Reserve, NO Buyer's Premium on December 17th: 100.00%
Early American. History Auction at Early American on December 16th: 81.70%
Arenberg Auctions. Rare Books & old manuscripts on December 16th: 99.45%
Tessier & Sarrou and Associates. Online sale - Posters on December 17th: 59.64%
Sothebys. Hubert Guerrand-Hermès Collection, Around the Duchess of Berry | Online - bidstart 12/11 on December 18th: 100.00%
Sothebys. Pier 24 Photography from the Pilara Family Foundation Sold to Benefit Charitable Organizations on December 18th: 100.00%
Sothebys. The Emily Fisher Landau Collection: An Era Defined | Online Auction on December 15th: 98.72%
Sothebys. Collection Hubert Guerrand-Hermès, Autour de la duchesse de Berry on December 15th: 100.00%
Michaans Auctions. December Gallery Auction on December 15th: 67.74%
Finarte. Books, Autographs and Prints on December 15th: 42.90%
Du Mouchelles. The December 2023 Auctions: Day Two on December 15th: 72.37%
Doyle New York. Stage and Screen on December 15th: 82.56%
De Baecque and Associes. The Collections of Bernard Mamy - Caricatures and Books on December 15th: 80.41%
Arenberg Auctions. Renier Chalon on December 15th: 99.78%
Guernseys. Iconic Items from the 20th Century on December 14th: 25.00%
Forum Auctions. The British Sale on December 14th: 48.73%
Dunbar Sloane. Rowan Gibbs Book Collection - bidstart 11/16 on December 14th: 85.07%
Trillium Antique Prints & Rare Books. Fine Art - Antique Engravings & Lithographs - Works on Paper - bidstart 12/9 on December 16th: 93.71%
Heritage Auctions. Sunday Movie Posters Select Auction on December 17th: 87.32%
Heritage Auctions. Sunday Sports Collectibles Select Auction on December 17th: 98.28%
Heritage Auctions. Trading Card Games Signature Auction on December 17th: 98.77%
Heritage Auctions. Historical Platinum Session Signature Auction on December 15th: 87.30%
Heritage Auctions. Pulp Showcase Auction Featuring the Malcolm Edwards Collection on December 15th: 100.00%
Heritage Auctions. Space Exploration Signature Auction on December 15th: 98.56%
Arader Galleries. December 2023 Auction on December 9th: 46.74%
For the week ahead 11 sales are scheduled:
Mon. Dec. 25th
Catawiki B. V.. LA Assen, . Old and Rare Books Auction (pre-1700) - bidstart 12/15. 111 lots
Tue. Dec. 26th
Heritage Auctions. Dallas. Tuesday US Currency Select Auction. 509 lots
Heritage Auctions. Dallas. Tuesday World Paper Money Select Auction. 162 lots
Wed. Dec. 27th
Heritage Auctions. Dallas. Wednesday Comic Art and Animation Select Auction. 288 lots
Heritage Auctions. Dallas. Wednesday Trading Card Games Select Auction. 91 lots
Catawiki B. V.. LA Assen, . Exclusive Books - bidstart 12/15. 120 lots
Sat. Dec. 30th
Trillium Antique Prints & Rare Books. Franklin. Fine Art - Antique Engravings & Lithographs - Works on Paper - bidstart 12/23. 175 lots
Sun. Dec. 31st
Heritage Auctions. Dallas. Sunday Sports Collectibles Select Auction. 191 lots
Heritage Auctions. Dallas. Sunday, Monday & Tuesday Comic Books Select Auction.
Heritage Auctions. Dallas. Sunday Movie Posters Select Auction.
Catawiki B. V.. LA Assen, . Autographs and Manuscripts - bidstart 12/22. 62 lots
Bruce McKinney
RBH and AE