A 21,000 square-foot mansion in Santa Barbara, California, will one day be the home of a fabulous museum, including art and books from an old and spectacular personal collection. Not much is known about the collection, especially the books, though a first edition of Paradise Lost is said to be part of the library. It seems to be more oriented to visual art, but the owner was the half-sister of William Andrews Clark, Jr., whose books were bequeathed to the William Andrews Clark Memorial Library at the University of California Los Angeles when he died in 1934. It is one of the more important ...
Auctions are at the heart of AE and can be a bit difficult, for newcomers, to understand. They are the most complete set of features and indices ever assembled for the auction field. These servic...
This is my 32nd year in the antiquarian business as a small dealer based in Hawaii. Up until May of this year I used to boast I’d never lost a shipment.
Certainly I’ve had packages that were dela...
The rare book business is the art of identifying attractive material, stocking it and then connecting with those who have the desire and resources to acquire it. The business takes many forms, an ...
Hello again. When last I wrote, we were zipping off to France. For the second part of our trip, we didn’t spend a whole lot of time in bookstores as our time was short and we did have so much els...
After five years in the rare book trade, Joe Newman, of Milford, Connecticut spent the next six selling paintings for dealers in Connecticut and New York, while writing a novel and going to graduat...
A hearing on the Google Books settlement has been postponed to July with no indication that the parties have been able to overcome the thorny issue that led a judge to strike down the original sett...
You can imagine why William became a gunfighter. He apparently didn’t like his original name, William Henry McCarty, and took as its replacement a worse one: William H. Bonney. Having then demon...
Word came over the news wires a few weeks back that the last combat veteran of World War I has died. Claude Choules joined the British Navy at the age of 16, serving for a year before the war ended...
Submitted by John Renjillian on behalf of the C.H. Booth Friends of the Library
Beginning on July 9th and continuing through July 13th the C. H. Booth Friends of the Library are holding their annu...
A1 Books, a pioneer in online bookselling once larger than Amazon, has made something of a return from the grave, though just how much of a return is still to be seen. A1 began selling textbooks on...
The race for the Republican nomination has barely begun and already the results are in. The AED is now ready to predict the winner. To add suspense I will list hopefuls in alphabetical order and ...
The British Library recently announced that it is offering an "app" that will allow users to read over 60,000 19th century books from the library's collection on their iPads. I can't believe I am e...
There are 12 new catalogues reviewed in Section 2 this month. The Columbia Trading Company offers a selection of books pertaining to the sea. The Arader Galleries are focused on one of those seas i...
ALDE, Mar. 4: JÉRÔME (SAINT). Epistolæ. Parme, s.n., 1480. €15,000 to €20,000.
ALDE, Mar. 4: DANTE ALIGHIERI. [La Divina Commedia]. Brescia, Bonino de Boninis, 1487. €10,000 to €12,000.
ALDE, Mar. 4: PLINE L'ANCIEN. Historia naturalis. Parme, Andrea Portilia, 8 juillet 1481. €8,000 to €10,000.
ALDE, Mar. 4: MÉTHODE D'OLYMPE. De revelatione facta ab angelo beato Methodio in carcere detento. Bâle, Michael Furter, 1504. €8,000 to €10,000.
ALDE, Mar. 4: ARISTOPHANE. Κωμῳδίαι ἐννέα. Comœdiæ novem. Venise, Alde Manuce, 1498. €6,000 to €8,000.
ALDE, Mar. 4: ARISTOPHANE. Κωμῳδίαι ἑνδεκα... Comœdiæ undecim cum scholiis antiquis. Genève, Société caldorienne, 1607. €800 to €1,000.
ALDE, Mar. 4: EURIPIDE. Τραγωδιαι ἑπτακαίδεκα. Tragœdiæ septendecim. Venise, Alde, février 1503. €3,000 to €4,000.
ALDE, Mar. 4: HIPPOCRATE. Τα ευρισκομενα... Opera omnia quæ extant, in VIII sectiones ex Erotiani mente distributa. Francfort, Claude de Marne et Johann Aubry, 1595. €800 to €1,000.
ALDE, Mar. 4: HOMÈRE. Ποιήσεις άμφω ήτε Ιλιάς και η Οδύσσεια. Opus utrumque Iliados et Odysseæ. Bâle, Johann Herwagen, 1551. €800 to €1,000.
ALDE, Mar. 4: PINDARE. Ολύμπια, Πύθια, Νέμεα, Ίσθμια. Olympia, Pythia, Nemea, Isthmia. [Genève], Paul Estienne, 1599. €400 to €500.
ALDE, Mar. 4: PLATON. Ἅπαντα Πλάτωνος. Omnia opera, cum commentariis Procli in Timæum et Politica. Bâle, Johann Walder, 1534. €800 to €1,000.
ALDE, Mar. 4: PLINE L'ANCIEN. Historia naturalis. Parme, Andrea Portilia, 8 juillet 1481. €8,000 to €10,000.
Gonnelli Auction 58 Books, Autographs & Manuscripts March 11th-13th 2025
Gonnelli: Manuscript and illuminated book of hours, mid-15th century.
Gonnelli: Sumptuous Koran manuscript by Bukhara illuminators in the mid-nineteenth century.
Gonnelli: Rowling J. K., Harry Potter e la Pietra Filosofale. Firenze: Adriano Salani, 1998.
Gonnelli: Valli Antonio, Il canto de gl'augelli. In Roma, Nicolò Mutij, 1601.
Gonnelli: Moniglia Giovanni Andrea, Il Mondo Festeggiante. In Firenze: nella Stamperia di S.A.S., 1661.
Gonnelli: Alighieri Dante, [Divine Comedy with commentary and Life of Dante by Cristoforo Landino]. Danthe alegieri fiorentino. Venezia, Capcasa, 1493.