Rare Book Monthly

Articles - October - 2003 Issue

The Doctrine of Caiaphas by Rev. David Murdoch D.D.



The following is from Mr. Robinson: -

Elmira, May 5, 1851

Rev. and Dear Sir:

I learned, Saturday evening, from a source considered reliable, that a minority of our Committee had written to you that we were mistaken in regard to our conclusions in our letter of May 1st, and advising you not to accept the call. Not being able to see but one of the Committee before writing hits, it will be but chiefly my own sentiments, and on my own and Dr. Hart’s responsibility.

We have seen nothing, heard nothing, and can learn nothing, to induce us to change our opinions then expressed; but are still more strongly impressed with the belief that our hope of ultimate success and harmony is by your settlement with us as Pastor. Our Committee consists of nine. Six read and approved the letter we sent. Two we excepted, and this I explained in my letter; and one we did not see. We, therefore, had the voice of two-thirds of our Committee. From this minority, and two other men, emanates all the difficulty, which, after all, is very superficial. Not knowing what has been written, nor who, nor how many have written, we know not, of course, how to defend ourselves. We regret, particularly on your account, at this time, thus to harass you and delay action; but under the circumstances we compelled to say, if their letter causes any embarrassment to you, in coming to a decision, give us a chance to set ourselves and our people right; when I feel quite sure your duty will appear plain.

It has been intimated that Mr. Gillett, Mr. Konkle, and Mr. --------, have written; and perhaps Doctor Beadle and Dr. Foote. I explained to you, when here, Mr. Konkle’s notions, opposition, etc. As to Mr. Gillett, he means no harm, but he was so completely bound up in Mr. Priest, who was rejected, that he cannot, or will not be satisfied with anybody.--- Mr. --- has not any feeling, except for the public good, but decidedly mistakes the public sentiment. Doctor Beadle always in all our affairs universally says NO; and is skeptical upon all new moves. I have thus explained briefly the character of the so called opposition. It all arises from these men, and many of our timid people are fearful. But while those few are uneasy and restless; a great many of the most prominent are now clamorous for your settlement; and I am sure nothing short will unite us. I have no fears whatever but that you can triumphantly sustain yourself, and that we shall zealously and cordially sustain you, if you come. I will not add more at this time, than merely to say that my brother was here over the Sabbath, and intended to have staid to-day and have written to you, but found he must leave this morning. He says, after seeing the people, and hearing the expression of opinion, he can safely say, -- You ought to accept, and come; and if he did not honestly so think, he would be the last to say it, as he is too good a friend to recommend anything that would be injurious to your usefulness and happiness.

In haste, yours,
Orrin Robinson

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