Welcome to our new world
Collectible paper, né rare books and manuscripts, has been transforming the markets that have traditionally sold them. Show dealers now can fit a thousand interesting examples in two briefcases to sell at face-to-face events that they-themselves are becoming fewer and more concentrated. An auction house, in one case, made their bones selling farm equipment, now sell manuscripts and paper* interspersed with dog-eared transmission manuals. There’s the sense that, if the market is willing, they’ll sell ‘em. The trick was once to find the customer. Now the hustle is to build strong mailing lists. With them in hand, they convert names into transactions. Welcome to 2024!
The very notion of an online listing site was only a gleam in developers’ eyes thirty years ago. Now Abe and Amazon dominate the less-than-collectible book market, vanquishing the once common old and rare bookshops, leaving local libraries to be the natural heirs to what bookstores once relied upon: the steady local flow of bags and boxes of books and paper that reluctant owners wanted to part with humanely.
For wannabes in the book game, cataloging for many has become a caricature of what it was as online Svengalis cut and paste their way to listing heaven without ever knowing anything about what they describe.
As to the serious, the serious appreciate the serious. The top tier of dealers and most auction houses draw the line between the prattling hordes who don’t know the difference between caviar and sardines.
To do so, they invest in serious research.
And this is our reason for being, to provide the deep, complex and quick knowledge that was once the highly valued output of the best dealers and cataloging minds in the field. Today they often rely on our services.
To stay ahead of the curve we’re already adding 2 million more lots from the smaller, regional and specialist auctions that recognized years ago that ephemera would be collectible paper’s future.
By the numbers today, we are home to 33,109 completed book and paper auctions and 14,229,329 lots, AND now celebrating 22 years in building RBH..
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