Rare Book Monthly

Articles - May - 2012 Issue

Chronicle of a “Fort-Rare” Book...

D’Aceilly's poems.

D’Aceilly's poems.


I eventually found a copy of this book for myself – a first edition, given at Ebay.fr... At such an affordable price, this is no bargain, it’s a gift I say. It is bound in full contemporary calf and features the additional epigrams and the mention Et se donnent au Palais. But there is something else about it, on the title page... A line has been darkened with ink, at some point in the last 345 years. First, I thought it was to hide an ex-libris, as often. But I took a closer look – and deciphered the hidden words : Premier Volume. Now, I started to wonder : who had interest in darkening this line, apart from... the author or the bookseller themselves ? Come on... could this be ? After all, I can also imagine a zealed bibliophilist making sure nobody would be looking for Volume the Second. I really don’t know, and will never. The simple idea that it might be is enough for me, though - thank God, some answers are not on the internet... yet.

(c) Thibault Ehrengardt – 2012.

Collation of the first edition : (Paris, 1667) 1 vol. in-12, title page, 3 pages, preface (2 pages), 228 pages.

Useful links

The digitalized first edition featuring Premier Volume : www.archive.org/stream/diversespetitesp01cail#page/n1/mode/2up

The digitalized first edition without Premier Volume : books.google.fr/books?id=YCM_naK034AC&printsec=frontcover&hl=fr&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false

The digitalized (and fort-rare) second edition :


Nodier’s edition :


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