David M. Lesser Fine Antiquarian Books has released No. 133 of Rare Americana. This catalogue is filled with material from the 18th and 19th centuries. Ranging from the colonial period to the days after the Civil War, it is the history of the formation and development of a new nation. It carries us from strained relations with England to strained relations with ourselves. It has never been easy for America, any more than it is today. Here are a few samples of what David Lesser has to offer.
We start with a speech that from the last days when relations were still good between Great ...
Susanne Schulz-Falster Rare Books has released their Catalogue Nineteen. This is our first catalogue from the London based bookseller and I found it somewhat difficult to describe the mix of materi...
Back of Beyond Books has issued Rare Book Catalogue No. 11. Back of Beyond specializes in books from the American Southwest, the four corner states in particular, but their catalogues usually carry...
Sophie Schneideman Rare Books has released a catalogue of The Auchincloss Collection of Fine Printing & Press Books. We suspect there will be several more, as this is Catalogue One: A-D. There ...
Plaza Books has issued their List 35 Mexico. Mexico comes with a longer history than its larger neighbor to the north, replete with its own set of issues and controversies. Its colonial period bega...
We've seen some unusual titles for catalogues, but perhaps not quite like Ten Pound Island Book Company's Maritime List 218 – Captured by Man Eaters! Is this an entire catalogue devoted to ca...
Antiquariat Michael Kuhn and Antiquariat Banzhaf have joined forces to create a catalogue of Astronomie. Translation of the title from German, we will assume, is not necessary. Descriptions of the ...
Aleph-Bet Books has issued a new catalogue of Children's Books & Illustrated Books, or Catalogue 105, numerically speaking. As always, they manage to get precisely 600 items onto the pages, eac...
Peter Harrington has published a new catalogue of Modern Literature Part Two L-Z. As you might guess, this is the second part of a two-part series. Part One was issued early this summer and a revie...
Gert Jan Bestebreurtje Rare Books has released their List 64 A Summer Miscellaneous. This was a late summer miscellaneous, and now we have moved to fall, but that's all right. These books are equal...
Koller, Mar. 26: Wit, Frederick de. Atlas. Amsterdam, de Wit, [1680]. CHF 20,000 to 30,000
Koller, Mar. 26: Merian, Maria Sibylla. Der Raupen wunderbare Verwandelung, und sonderbare Blumennahrung. Nürnberg, 1679; Frankfurt a. M. und Leipzig, 1683. CHF 20,000 to 30,000
Koller, Mar. 26: GOETHE, JOHANN WOLFGANG VON. Faust. Ein Fragment. Von Goethe. Ächte Ausgabe. Leipzig, G. J. Göschen, 1790. CHF 7,000 to 10,000
Koller, Mar. 26: Hieronymus. [Das hochwirdig leben der außerwoelten freünde gotes der heiligen altuaeter]. Augsburg, Johann Schönsperger d. Ä., 9. Juni 1497. CHF 40,000 to 60,000.
Koller, Mar. 26: BIBLIA GERMANICA - Neunte deutsche Bibel. Nürnberg, A. Koberger, 17. Feb. 1483. CHF 40,000 to 60,000
Koller, Mar. 26: HORAE B.M.V. - Stundenbuch. Lateinische Handschrift auf Pergament, Kalendarium französisch. Nordfrankreich (Rouen?). CHF 25,000 to 40,000
Sotheby's Sell Your Fine Books & Manuscripts
Sotheby's Sell Your Fine Books & Manuscripts
Sotheby’s: The Shem Tov Bible, 1312 | A Masterpiece from the Golden Age of Spain. Sold: 6,960,000 USD
Sotheby’s: Ten Commandments Tablet, 300-800 CE | One of humanity's earliest and most enduring moral codes. Sold: 5,040,000 USD
Sotheby’s: William Blake | Songs of Innocence and of Experience. Sold: 4,320,000 USD
Sotheby’s: The Declaration of Independence | The Holt printing, the only copy in private hands. Sold: 3,360,000 USD
Sotheby's Sell Your Fine Books & Manuscripts
Sotheby’s: Thomas Taylor | The original cover art for Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Sold: 1,920,000 USD
Sotheby’s: Machiavelli | Il Principe, a previously unrecorded copy of the book where modern political thought began. Sold: 576,000 GBP
Sotheby’s: Leonardo da Vinci | Trattato della pittura, ca. 1639, a very fine pre-publication manuscript. Sold: 381,000 GBP
Sotheby’s: Henri Matisse | Jazz, Paris 1947, the complete portfolio. Sold: 312,000 EUR
Swann Printed & Manuscript African Americana March 20, 2025
Swann Printed & Manuscript African Americana March 20, 2025
Swann, Mar. 20: Lot 7: Thomas Fisher, The Negro's Memorial or Abolitionist's Catechism, London, 1825. $6,000 to $9,000.
Swann, Mar. 20: Lot 78: Victor H. Green, The Negro Travelers' Green Book, New York, 1958. $20,000 to $30,000.
Swann, Mar. 20: Lot 99: Rosa Parks, Hand-written recollection of her first meeting with Martin Luther King Jr., autograph manuscript, Detroit, c. 1990s. $30,000 to $40,000.
Swann, Mar. 20: Lot 154: Frederick Douglass, Autograph statement on voting rights, signed manuscript, 1866. $20,000 to $30,000.
Swann, Mar. 20: Lot 164: W.E.B. Du Bois, What the Negro Has Done for the United States and Texas, Washington, circa 1936. $3,000 to $4,000.
Swann Printed & Manuscript African Americana March 20, 2025
Swann, Mar. 20: Lot 263: Susan Paul, Memoir of James Jackson, Boston, 1835. $6,000 to $9,000.
Swann, Mar. 20: Lot 267: Langston Hughes, Gypsy Ballads, signed translation of García Lorca's poetry, Madrid, 1937. $1,500 to $2,500.
Swann, Mar. 20: Lot 274: Malcolm X, Collection from Alex Haley's estate, 38 items, 1963-1971. $4,000 to $6,000.
Swann, Mar. 20: Lot 367: Solomon Northup, Twelve Years a Slave, Auburn, NY, 1853. $2,500 to $3,500.
Swann, Mar. 20: Lot 402: Anna Julia Cooper, A Voice from the South, Xenia, OH, 1892. $2,000 to $3,000.