Rare Book Monthly

Book Catalogue Reviews - October - 2011 Issue

Yeoman's In The Fork's Second Catalogue Offers a Variety of Material

Mark Twain's autobiography.

Mark Twain's autobiography.

Item 3413 is a two-volume set of Mark Twain's Autobiography. Twain wasn't around to celebrate the 1924 publication, having died 14 years earlier. He waited to protect the "guilty." Though parts had been published serially prior to Twain's death, this was to most people a much welcome new book from America's most popular author. $1,500.

Here is a man who, like Twain, is one of the most popular American figures of that turn of the century era, and yet, they were anything but friendly at the time. Theodore Roosevelt was America's leading politician, as Twain was its leading author, and they would have shared many views on the issues of the day. However, there was one that drove an enormous wedge, as it was just about the biggest issue of the day in Twain's view. That was imperialism, and while Roosevelt thought using American military power would make the world a better place, Twain thought it a gross violation of the rights of other peoples. Twain described Roosevelt as a "crazy," while Roosevelt thought Twain an "idiot." Item 2451 is Roosevelt's African Game Trails, a signed, limited edition published in 1910. Following his term as President, Roosevelt headed off on some strenuous adventures, including the one herein described hunting big game in Africa, perhaps reinforcing Twain's view of his sanity. An extreme adventure in South America a few years later would badly injure Roosevelt's health and lead to his early demise. $9,500.

Item 3026 is The Autobiography of a President who was a bit calmer than Roosevelt. This is a 1929 signed limited edition of the autobiography of Calvin Coolidge. It is unlikely Roosevelt would have appreciated Coolidge much more than he did Twain, though for different reasons. It is amazing that "Silent Cal" was able to come up with enough material to fill a book, he being a man of few words. Coolidge could easily have won reelection had he chosen to run in 1928, but he did not, one of the wisest political decisions ever made. $1,500.

Here is another presidential biography, though this president had to have another write it. He didn't survive long enough to look back on his presidency. Zachary Taylor could have taught today's politicians a few things about running for office. He said nothing, took no stands, and let his opponent antagonize people on both sides of the issues. By not staking out positions, it also freed Taylor to do as he saw fit once elected. He might have been a great president, but unfortunately, he died barely a year in office, leaving Millard Fillmore to mess up the remainder of his term. This 1951 biography, Zachary Taylor: Soldier in the White House, was written by Holman Hamilton. Item 3109. $65.

Yeoman's in the Fork may be reached at 877-936-6261 or info@yeomansinthefork.com. Their website is found at 


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