Source : Anderson Galleries 1685

Source Title The Library of Dr. Frank P. O'Brien [Part Four]
Description The Library of Dr. Frank P. O'Brien [Part Four]. Rare Books and Pamphlets on the Middle and Far West, Indians, Pioneers, Missionaries, Prairie Rangers and Border Crime, Politics Before the Civil War, Autograph Letters and Documents, Canals and Railroads, Early American Music and other Unusual Publications.
Scope of Text Foreword (to the auction catalogue)

This is an exceptionally interesting and valuable assemblage of books, mainly Americana, from the library of Dr. Frank P. O'Brien, who is known for his devotion to pioneer literature, and particularly for his unique collection of Beadle's Dime Novels.

The items offered herein include many American imprints from 1750 to 1850; the lives and adventures of pioneers in the Middle and Far West; curious books and pamphlets on crime, especially border crime in the West; early American music; autograph documents and letters; books about early life in California; much early history of American railroads and canals, with an important manuscript report by the first corporation to complete a canal in America; accounts of the prairie rangers and travellers; politics before the Civil War; and other publications dating, for the most part, from 1800 to 1850.

Edmund Lester Pearson
Total Records in AED 300
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