
Tabula Auctions Ltd: Antique Maps and Prints -- online 12/19

Auction Reports

Auction Name Antique Maps and Prints -- online 12/19 Total Sales (GBP) 8,257.00
Auction Date January 05, 2025 - January 05, 2025 Low Estimate of Lots Sold (GBP) 12,260.00
Sale Number #10525 High Estimate of Lots Sold (GBP) 16,610.00
Total Lots 135
Sold Lots 39 Low Estimate of All Lots (GBP) 61,990.00
% of Lots Sold 28.89% High Estimate of All Lots (GBP) 82,240.00
Unsold Lots 96 Total Sales as a % of High Est. 10.04%

Top twenty-five by sale price

Lot Number Author Name Book Title Year Published Estimate Actual Price
43 John Speed

John Speed's First Map of Poland, 17th Century, Decorative Vignettes & Costumes, English Atlas Editi

17th Century GBP 1,100.00 - 1,400.00 GBP 966.00

1635 Engraving of the Sun "Solaris" with Solar Flares, Based on Kircher & Scheiner's Obs

1635 GBP 800.00 - 1,000.00 GBP 782.00
98 James Imray

19th Century Sea Chart of the Central Philippines by James Imray, 1878 East India Archipeligo

1878 GBP 900.00 - 1,400.00 GBP 598.00
34 Laurie & Whittle

Laurie & Whittle's 1800 A New Map of London Antique Engraved Map

1800 GBP 500.00 - 600.00 GBP 460.00

Rare Map of Georgia and South Carolina by US Coast Survey Coast Chart from Hunting Island to Ossaba

1902 GBP 500.00 - 600.00 GBP 414.00
117 Johannes Blaeu

Antique Map of China, Korea, and Japan by Johannes Blaeu, Imperii Sinarum Nova Descriptio, c.1654

c.1654 GBP 900.00 - 1,100.00 GBP 414.00
59 Ruggieri

Antique map of Florence by Ruggieri, 1850, Pianta della citta di Firenze

1850 GBP 650.00 - 700.00 GBP 368.00
27 Raimond Bonheur

Planisphere Decorative World Map on Mercator's Projection, Bonheur, Levasseur, coloured, 1845

1845 GBP 300.00 - 400.00 GBP 322.00

Cruchley's 1833 Twelve Miles Round London Antique Map

1833 GBP 150.00 - 200.00 GBP 276.00

Anglia, Regnum antique Map, Vrients, Ortelius, Antwerp, c. 1603

c.1603 GBP 600.00 - 800.00 GBP 230.00
37 Vincenzo Coronelli

Coronelli's c.1690 Isola di Madagascar Antique Map, Mozambique Coastline, Comoros & Reunion

c.1690 GBP 400.00 - 450.00 GBP 230.00
56 Elias Baeck

Early 18th Century Double-Hemisphere World Map by Elias Baeck, Mapemonde Planisphere, 1710, Colour

1710 GBP 300.00 - 400.00 GBP 230.00
93 Simon Charles Miger

Exotic Animals: Felis Pardus - Le Tigre by Simon Charles Miger, c.1800

c.1800 GBP 300.00 - 400.00 GBP 230.00

1835 Burritt-Huntington Constellation Maps, Set of 2, Coloured Night Sky Charts

1835 GBP 300.00 - 500.00 GBP 230.00
112 Johannes Blaeu

Scarce 17th Century Plan of Cirie by Johannes Blaeu, c. 1682, Ciriacum vulgo Cirie

1682 GBP 350.00 - 550.00 GBP 230.00
57 Isaac Brouckner

Unusual 18th Century World Map by Isaac Brouckner, Carte Generale du Globe Terrestre, 1761, Colour

1761 GBP 180.00 - 250.00 GBP 207.00
8 Thomas Sulman

18 Antique Pictorial Views of London by Thomas Sulman, 1894 -- Birds-Eye Views of Iconic Street

1894 GBP 250.00 - 350.00 GBP 184.00
76 Moxon

Canaan or the Land of Promise, Bible Map by Moxon, 1714

1714 GBP 200.00 - 400.00 GBP 184.00

Saxton Norden Blome Map of Surrey, 1637 Middlesex Olima Trinoban Tibus

1637 GBP 200.00 - 300.00 GBP 184.00
143 Alexis-Hubert Jaillot

Iudea seu Terra Sancta quae Hebraeorum sive Israelitarum by Alexis-Hubert Jaillot, 1691

1691 GBP 400.00 - 500.00 GBP 184.00

A New and Accurate Plan of the Cities of London, Westminster, and Borough of Southwark, 1765

1765 GBP 250.00 - 350.00 GBP 138.00

Antique Map of New Zealand, Hand-Coloured Engraving by George Philips & Son

GBP 300.00 - 400.00 GBP 115.00
91 Simon Charles Miger

Exotic Animals: Felis Pardus - La Panthere by Simon Charles Miger, c.1800

c.1800 GBP 300.00 - 400.00 GBP 115.00
32 Joly after A. Mayer

Eruption du Strockur (Islande) by Mayer, Lithograph of Strokkur Geyser Eruption

GBP 180.00 - 250.00 GBP 92.00
145 San Miguel

Plano de las Rias de Ferrol, Coruna y Betanzos by San Miguel, nautical sea chart

GBP 250.00 - 350.00 GBP 92.00
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