Catawiki B. V.: Autographs and Manuscripts
Auction Reports
Auction Name | Autographs and Manuscripts | Total Sales (EUR) | 7,498.11 |
Auction Date | October 13, 2024 - October 13, 2024 | Low Estimate of Lots Sold (EUR) | 7,635.00 |
Sale Number | #101324a | High Estimate of Lots Sold (EUR) | 9,875.00 |
Total Lots | 90 | ||
Sold Lots | 73 | Low Estimate of All Lots (EUR) | 12,330.00 |
% of Lots Sold | 81.11% | High Estimate of All Lots (EUR) | 17,095.00 |
Unsold Lots | 17 | Total Sales as a % of High Est. | 43.86% |
Top twenty-five by sale price
Lot Number | Author Name | Book Title | Year Published | Estimate | Actual Price |
88997451 | Testamento Nobile Veneziano |
1257 | EUR 350.00 - 400.00 | EUR 654.00 | |
88930377 | Anoniem (19e eeuw) | Deduction Genealogique de la noble et ancienne Famille d'Isebrant dit Jadis Bevervoorde |
1900/1800 | EUR 500.00 - 750.00 | EUR 540.64 |
88982293 | Klosterarbeit, Antiphonar | Antiphonarium |
1700 | EUR 325.00 - 400.00 | EUR 523.20 |
89093215 | Philippe, duc d'Orleans, frere de Louis XIV | Nomination d'Huissier de la Chambre |
1698 | EUR 250.00 - 300.00 | EUR 337.90 |
88898483 | David Ben-Gurion | Signed photo card [The founder of the State of Israel] |
1973 | EUR 225.00 - 275.00 | EUR 305.20 |
88905539 | Desconocido | Libro manuscrito filosofia estudios historicos pensadores ideal coleccionistas historiador |
1700 | EUR 275.00 - 350.00 | EUR 294.30 |
88898493 | Menachem Begin | Signed card with a portrait card [sixth Prime Minister of Israel] |
1977 | EUR 220.00 - 250.00 | EUR 218.00 |
89098851 | Jules Barbey d'Aurevilly | Lettre signee - Jules Barbey d'Aurevilly |
1850 | EUR 220.00 - 350.00 | EUR 218.00 |
88730237 | Sir Charles Lyell, 1st Baronet, (1797--1875) Scottish geologist | Autograph signed letter to Adolphe Le Hardy de Beaulieu (1814-1894) |
1850 | EUR 200.00 - 250.00 | EUR 213.64 |
88897873 | Hochrangige DDR Politiker Konvolut 8 versch. Autogramme inkl. Erich Honecker, de Maiziere, Krenz, | 8 Original-Unterschriften auf Foto - Deutschland |
1990 | Not Available | EUR 201.65 |
86223649 | Anonymous | Dialogo fra li due Re Carlo II di Spagna e Gulielmo III d'Inghilterra nei Campi Elisei |
1702 | EUR 160.00 - 200.00 | EUR 175.49 |
88834061 | Andre Caplet | 6 lettres |
1920 | EUR 220.00 - 350.00 | EUR 164.59 |
89037337 | Abd ar-Rahman 'bd lrHmn ldkhil Emirate of Cordoba, Scholar | Quran Manuscript with beautiful golden medallions, Cordoba, al-Andalus Spain |
1750/1720 | Not Available | EUR 163.50 |
89092255 | [Poitou] Desnon & Chaigneau | Acte notarie de 1510 |
1510 | EUR 250.00 - 300.00 | EUR 153.69 |
84711127 | Anoniem | [Nederlands] Manuscript sheet from a Book of Hours - 14th century |
1380 | EUR 160.00 - 250.00 | EUR 152.60 |
88730259 | Friedrich Otto Gottlob Freiherr von Manteuffel (1777-1812) Oberamtsregierungsprasident Niederlausitz | Gesiegelte Koniglich Sachsische Urkunde fur den Juristen Gottlieb Ferdinand Herrmann in Lubben |
1810 | EUR 200.00 - 250.00 | EUR 149.33 |
88911583 | Quran | Quran leaf |
1575 | EUR 200.00 - 250.00 | EUR 147.15 |
88752521 | Burgermeister Freiberg in Sachsen | Schone Kalligraphische Urkunde auf Pergament |
1750/1700 | EUR 275.00 - 350.00 | EUR 142.79 |
88622013 | Parchemin Bourges. | Pergamena manoscritta. Atto notarile su Cattedrale |
1504 | Not Available | EUR 136.25 |
88957969 | Abdul Rahman ben Muhammad | Les genealogies des nobles idrisides |
1822 | EUR 275.00 - 450.00 | EUR 130.80 |
89036299 | Kajiwara Shozen Wei Yuan Xing Quan | Medizin-Handschrift, Anatomie [Blutgefasse,Ruckenmark,spinal etc.] Cun Zhen Huan Zhong Tu , Pergament, Kojiki |
1520/1450 | Not Available | EUR 130.80 |
88936329 | Alexis Carrel | Lettre de Alexis Carrel |
1940 | Not Available | EUR 119.90 |
88752477 | . | Or. de Namurt .. S. Jean sous le titre distinctif de la Bonne Amitie (Franc-Maconnerie) - |
1820 | EUR 150.00 - 220.00 | EUR 112.27 |
88910783 | Carl Wilhelm Freiher von Fritsch | (Freimaurer) Loge Amalie im Orient Weimar - Sammlung von 5 Publikationen zum Johannisfest `1 |
1846 | EUR 150.00 - 220.00 | EUR 112.27 |
89131401 | Manuscript | Original leaf from a latin breviary ca. 14th century |
1350 | Not Available | EUR 110.09 |