
Catawiki B. V.: Old and Rare Books Auction (pre-1700)

Auction Reports

Auction Name Old and Rare Books Auction (pre-1700) Total Sales (EUR) 14,442.50
Auction Date September 02, 2024 - September 02, 2024 Low Estimate of Lots Sold (EUR) 11,715.00
Sale Number #90224 High Estimate of Lots Sold (EUR) 17,475.00
Total Lots 69
Sold Lots 62 Low Estimate of All Lots (EUR) 21,635.00
% of Lots Sold 89.86% High Estimate of All Lots (EUR) 30,775.00
Unsold Lots 7 Total Sales as a % of High Est. 46.93%

Top twenty-five by sale price

Lot Number Author Name Book Title Year Published Estimate Actual Price
87402391 Ryff Peter / Euclides

Quaestiones geometricae in Euclidis

1600 EUR 1,000.00 - 1,100.00 EUR 1,417.00
87424531 Plinio Secondo Caio

Historia Naturale

1543 EUR 1,300.00 - 1,700.00 EUR 1,076.92
87402475 Negri Domenico

Geographiae Commentariorum

1557 EUR 800.00 - 2,000.00 EUR 981.00
87427239 Gabriel Symeoni

Les illustres observations antiques du seigneur Gabriel Symeon florentin. En son dernier voyage

1558 EUR 900.00 - 1,000.00 EUR 817.50
87590533 Cardano Gerolamo

Hieronymi Cardani mediolanensis De Subtilitate libri XXI

1551 EUR 700.00 - 1,200.00 EUR 708.50
87489773 Marcello Palingenio Stellato

Zodiacus Vitae

1557 EUR 750.00 - 850.00 EUR 621.30
87504431 [Over 300 engravings] J. L. Gottfried / M. Merian

Historische Chronica Oder Beschreibung der Fuehrnembsten Geschichten

1636/1632 EUR 950.00 - 1,500.00 EUR 604.95
87402355 Vimercati G.B.

Dialogo de gli horologi solari

1567 EUR 800.00 - 1,200.00 EUR 577.70
85471765 Granada

Conciones de praecipuis sanctorum festis ...

1581 EUR 400.00 - 450.00 EUR 512.30
87548745 Jean Stobee ou Jean Stobi

Loci Communes Sacri et Profani

1581 EUR 220.00 - 250.00 EUR 436.00
87510353 P. Cornelii Taciti

P. Cornelii Taciti Libri quinque noviter inventi atque cum reliquis ejus operibus editi

1517 EUR 425.00 - 500.00 EUR 403.30
87583297 Gaius Julius Caesar

Commentarii De Bello Gallico or Commentaries on the Gallic War

1683 EUR 425.00 - 1,600.00 EUR 403.30
87543633 Ranbeck

Calendarium annale Benedictinum

1675 Not Available EUR 381.50
87424651 Francois Mauriceau

Der schwangern und kreistenden Weibs-Personen Allerbeste Hulffleistung

1681 EUR 220.00 - 500.00 EUR 348.80
87390941 Ihoan Van Oldenbarnevelt

Trevr-Dichten over het iammerlijck Om-brenghen

1620 Not Available EUR 327.00
87590723 Laurenti Giulio Cesare.

Viaggi d'un Huomo Qualificato fatti in Inghilterra, Fiandra, Olanda, Danimarca, Suetia, Polonia,

1685 EUR 350.00 - 500.00 EUR 327.00
87543321 Sanctius de Porta

Opus concionatorium

1514 EUR 600.00 - 750.00 EUR 294.30
85811399 Ovidius

Le Metamorfosi di Ovidio

1588 Not Available EUR 287.76
87210087 St Anselme

Sancti anselmi ex beccensi abbate cantuariensis archiepiscopi opera nec non Eadmeri monachi

1675 EUR 325.00 - 400.00 EUR 250.70
87377691 Thomae Aquinatis

Summae theologicae

1608 EUR 425.00 - 500.00 EUR 239.80
87450503 Hartmann Schedel / Michael Wolgemut/ Wilhelm Pleydenwurff

The Nuremberg Chronicle (Liber Chronicarum)

1493 Not Available EUR 219.09
87501489 Conrad Gesner [1516-1565], Konrad Gessner

Blue Jay, ornithology, folio with hand coloured woodcut

1669 Not Available EUR 196.20
87449595 Hartmann Schedel / Michael Wolgemut/ Wilhelm Pleydenwurff

The Nuremberg Chronicle (Liber Chronicarum)

1493 Not Available EUR 163.50
86810231 Thomas D'Aquin

Summa Theologica

1663 Not Available EUR 159.14
87450683 Hartmann Schedel / Michael Wolgemut/ Wilhelm Pleydenwurff

The Nuremberg Chronicle (Liber Chronicarum)

1493 Not Available EUR 153.69
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    Fine Books, Manuscripts and Works on Paper
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    Forum, 26 Sep: Bible, Arabic & Latin. Biblia Sacra Arabica, 3 vol., Rome, Tipografia della Congregazione di Propaganda Fide, 1671. £15,000 to £20,000.
    Forum, 26 Sep: Shepard (Ernest). "Wind in the Willows" Toad Escapes from Prison, original pencil drawing with watercolour, 1931. £15,000 to £20,000.
    Forum, 26 Sep: Economics.- Smith (Adam). An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, 2 vol., second edition, Printed for W. Strahan; and T. Cadell, 1778. £12,000 to £18,000.
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    Forum, 26 Sep: Burma.- Burmese School (1870s). Folding manuscript, or parabaik, of festivities and processions, probably from the Court Workshop at the Royal Court at Manadaly, Burma, [c. 1870]. £10,000 to £15,000.
    Forum, 26 Sep: More (Sir Thomas). La Description de l'Isle d'Utopie ou est comprins le Miroer des republiques du monde, first French edition, Paris, Charles l'Angelier, 1550. £8,000 to £12,000.
    Forum, 26 Sep: Botany.- Dioscorides (Pedanius). De medicinali materia libri sex, hand-coloured throughout, Frankfurt-am-Main, Chr. Egenolff, 1543. £8,000 to £12,000.
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    Fine Books, Manuscripts and Works on Paper
    26th September 2024
    Forum, 26 Sep: World.- Blaeu (Johannes). Nova et Accuratissima Totius Terrarum Orbis Tabula Auctore Joanne Blaeu, engraved map, [c.1662]. £8,000 to £12,000.
    Forum, 26 Sep: Shelley (Mary). Frankenstein: or, The Modern Prometheus, 2 vol., [second edition], Printed for G. and W.B. Whittaker, 1823. £7,000 to £10,000.
    Forum, 26 Sep: [Evans (Marian)] 'George Eliot'. A complete set of first editions of her works, uniformly bound in red morocco, 1858-1885 (30). £6,000 to £8,000.
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    Fine Books, Manuscripts and Works on Paper
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    Forum, 26 Sep: Lewis (C.S.) [The Chronicles of Narnia], 7 vol., first editions, 1950-56. £6,000 to £8,000.
    Forum, 26 Sep: Albertolli (Ferdinando). Porte di Città e Fortezze...di Michele Sammicheli, Milan, 1815. £4,000 to £6,000.
    Forum, 26 Sep: Gregynog Press.- Euripides. The Plays, one of 25 specially-bound copies, this by George Fisher at the Gregynog Bindery, 1931. £4,000 to £6,000.
  • Gonnelli
    Auction 54
    Books, Autographs & Manuscripts
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    Gonnelli: Menù di gala per l'incoronazione di Nicola II Romanov e di Aleksandra Feodorovna. Moskva, 1896. Starting price 1000 €
    Gonnelli: Raccolta di 38 albumine, molte colorate a mano, di vedute della Cina, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Giappone e vari ritratti, 1880. Starting price 340 €
    Gonnelli: Lucio Fontana. Milan: Achille Mauri, 1968. Starting price 400 €
    Gonnelli: Mucha Alphonse, Documents décoratifs, 1901-1902. Starting price 10000 €
    Gonnelli: Christie Agatha, The Mysterious Affair at Styles. A detective story. London: John Lane, 1921. Starting price 460 €
    Gonnelli: Alberti Leon Battista, Ecatonphyla. Venice: Bernardino da Cremona, 1491. Starting price 10000 €
    Gonnelli: Menabrea Luigi Federico, Sketch of the analytical engine invented by Charles Babbage Esq. London: Richard and John E. Taylor, 1843. Starting price 5000 €
    Gonnelli: Bardi Giovanni, Memorie del calcio fiorentino. Florence, 1688. Starting price 1000 €
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