
Catawiki B. V.: Exclusive Books

Auction Reports

Auction Name Exclusive Books Total Sales (EUR) 8,961.98
Auction Date July 28, 2024 - July 28, 2024 Low Estimate of Lots Sold (EUR) 12,575.00
Sale Number #72824b High Estimate of Lots Sold (EUR) 17,500.00
Total Lots 27
Sold Lots 14 Low Estimate of All Lots (EUR) 26,750.00
% of Lots Sold 51.85% High Estimate of All Lots (EUR) 38,650.00
Unsold Lots 13 Total Sales as a % of High Est. 23.19%

Top twenty-five by sale price

Lot Number Author Name Book Title Year Published Estimate Actual Price
86438875 Johannes Mesue

[Medical Book] Mesue cum expositione Mondini super canones universales

1508 EUR 2,800.00 - 3,800.00 EUR 2,725.00
86033827 [Jean Gerson]

Incipit opus Beati Bernardi saluberrimum de imitatione Christi ...

1485 EUR 2,300.00 - 2,800.00 EUR 1,308.00
86079683 Gratian

Decretum Gratiani ab innumeris prope mendis, quibus incuria temporum & in glossis

1543 EUR 1,300.00 - 2,500.00 EUR 1,035.50
85472917 Maruli

M. Maruli Spalatensis Dictorum factorumque memorabilium libri sex

1593 EUR 950.00 - 1,700.00 EUR 983.18
85893105 Ovide

Les Metamorphoses d'Ovide

1655 EUR 1,200.00 - 1,500.00 EUR 739.02
85888231 Gregoire IX

Decretales Gregorii noni pontificis

1543 EUR 1,300.00 - 1,500.00 EUR 512.30
85793819 Plutarch

Plutarchi Chaeronei. Philosophi Historicique

1532 EUR 700.00 - 950.00 EUR 381.50
85890619 Polyaenus

Polyaeni stratagematum libri octo

1589 EUR 375.00 - 750.00 EUR 308.47
85560693 Erodoto

Histoire des neuf livres de Herodote intitulez du nom des Muses

1580 EUR 300.00 - 400.00 EUR 283.40
85847967 D. Aurelii Augustini hiponensis

IX et X Tomus operum Daurelii Augustini hiponensis episcopi continens illivs tractatvs hoc est

1571 EUR 750.00 - 900.00 EUR 213.64
85560797 Tacito

Les Oeuvres de C. Cornelius Tacitus

1584 EUR 200.00 - 250.00 EUR 207.10
86136277 Iulii Caesaris Scaligeri

In Lucctu Filij Oratio

1538 EUR 400.00 - 450.00 EUR 130.80
85560659 Seneca

Les epistres de Seneque, traduites par Mre Francois de Malherbe

1640 Not Available EUR 67.58
86054703 Nicolas Machiavelli

Florentini disputationum de republica. Libri tres

1643 Not Available EUR 66.49
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    Il Ponte, Sep. 24-25: EDWARDS, George.London - Gleanings of Natural History. Londra: 1758-1764. € 7,000 - 10,000
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    Il Ponte, Sep. 24-25: KUPKA, Frantisek - Quatre histoires de blanc et noir. Parigi: 1926. € 10,000 - 15,000
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