John McInnis Auctioneers: Private Alchemy and Chemistry Library, 339514, Amesbury

Auction Details

Auction Report
Auction Date
December 13, 2024 - December 13, 2024
Page Size: 619 items in 25 pages

Lot Number Author Name Book Title Place Printed Year Published Estimate Actual Price
293 DEMACHY, Jacques-Francois

L'Art Du Distillateur D'Eaux-Fortes, &c. Par M. Demachy, de l'Academie des Curieux de la Nature, de celles des Sciences de Berlin & de Rouen; & Me Apothicaire de Paris, 1773

1773 USD 1,250.00 - 2,500.00 USD 527.00
294 DEMACHY, Jacques-Francois

Recueil de Dissertations, Physico-Chymiques, Presentees a Differentes Academies

A Amsterdam et se trouve a Paris 1774 USD 200.00 - 400.00 USD 93.00
295 DEMESTE (Jean)

Lettres du Docteur Demeste, De La Societe d'Emulation de Liege, Correspondant de la Societe Royale de Medicine, Au Docteur Bernard...

Paris: 1779 USD 75.00 - 150.00 USD 93.00

Dictionnaire Pharmaceutique ou Plustost Apparat-Pharmaco-Chymique. Ouvrage curieux pour toutes sortes de personnes, ...

Paris 1677 (1678) USD 375.00 - 750.00 USD 124.00
297 DESCROIZILLES (Francois)

Description et Urages du Berthollimetre ou Instrument Depreuves Pour l'acide mutiatique oxigene liquide, pour l'indigo et pour l'oxide de manganese; ....

Paris 1802 USD 200.00 - 400.00 USD 37.20
298 DESCROIZILLES, F.A.H. (Francois)

Notices sur L'Alcali-Metre, et Autres Tubes Chimico-Metriques, ou sur le Polymetre-Chimique, et sur un Petit Alambic, Pour L'Essai des Vins (Second Edition)

Paris 1818 USD 250.00 - 500.00 USD 93.00
299 DESMAREST (Eugene?)

Traite du Calorique, ou de la Nature des Causes, et de l'Action de la Chaleur; Traduit de l'Anglais, Revu par M. Demarest

Paris 1828 USD 40.00 - 75.00 Not Sold
300 DEVILLE, Henri Etienne Sainte-Claire

Etudes Sur L'Essence de Terebenthine. These de Chimie. Presente a La Faculte des Sciences de Paris. Pour Obtenir Le Grade Es-Sciences Physiques

Paris 1841 USD 40.00 - 75.00 Not Sold
301 DEVILLE, Henri Etienne Sainte-Claire

Lecons sur la Dissociation, professes devant la Societe Chimique le 18 mars et le 1 avril 1864

N.p., n.d. (Paris 1866 USD 125.00 - 250.00 Not Sold

Heralds of Science. As represented by two hundred epochal books and pamphlets selected from the Burndy Library

Norwalk CT 1955, 1980 USD 30.00 - 60.00 USD 24.80
302 DIDEROT, Denis and d'ALEMBERT, Jean le Rond

"Chimie"planches in Encyclopedie ou Dictionnaire raisonne des sciences, des arts, et des metiers...

Paris 1768 USD 100.00 - 200.00 USD 37.20
303 DIDEROT, Denis and d'ALEMBERT, Jean le Rond

"Chimie"planches in Encyclopedie ou Dictionnaire raisonne des sciences, des arts, et des metiers...

Lausanne and Berne, 1780 USD 50.00 - 100.00 Not Sold
304 DIGBY, Kenelm

Chymical Secrets, and Rare Experiments in Physick published since his death by George Hartman, 2 parts in 1 vol.

London 1683 USD 750.00 - 1,500.00 USD 1,364.00
305 DIGBY, Kenelm

Of Bodies, And of Mans Soul. To Discover The Immortality of Reasonable Souls With Two Discourses Of the Powder of Sympathy and of the Vegetation of Plants

London 1669 USD 500.00 - 1,000.00 USD 310.00
306 DIMOND, E.W. (Ezekiel Webster)

The Chemistry of Combustion, Applied to the Economy of Fuel with Special Reference to the Construction of Fire Chambers, for Steam Boilers

Worcester 1867 USD 75.00 - 150.00 USD 49.60
307 DOBEREINER, J.W. (Johann Wolfgang)

Anfangsgrunde der Chemie und Stochiometrie

Jena 1819 USD 200.00 - 400.00 USD 93.00
308 (DOSSIE, Robert)

The Elaboratory laid open, Or, The Secrets of Modern Chemistry and Pharmacy Revealed

London 1758 USD 200.00 - 400.00 USD 93.00

Institutes of Experimental Chemistry: being an Essay towards reducing that branch of Natural Philosophy to a regular System...

London 1759 USD 250.00 - 500.00 USD 62.00
309 DRAPER, John William

Scientific Memoirs Being Experimental Contributions to a Knowledge of Radiant Energy

New York 1878 USD 38.00 - 75.00 USD 49.60
310 [DUANE, William]

An Epitome Of The Arts And Sciences

Philadelphia: 1811 USD 50.00 - 100.00 USD 49.60
311 DUCHANOY, Claude Francois

Essais sur l'Art d'imiter les Eaux Minerales, ...

Paris 1780 USD 150.00 - 300.00 USD 37.20

Ad Veritatem Hermeticae Medicinae ex Hippocratis Veterumque Decretic ac Therapeusi, ...

Frankfort 1605 USD 375.00 - 750.00 USD 620.00

Quercetanus Redivivus, hoc est, Ars Medica Dogmatico-Hermetica, ex scriptis Josephi Quercetani, tomis tribus digesta: quorum I. ...

Frankfurt 1648 USD 200.00 - 400.00 USD 217.00

Tetras Gravissimorum totius Capitis affectum; Ex Doctissimorum Medicorum, tum Dogmaticorum, tum Hermeticorum, asiduis vigiliis & accurate Theoriae & Praxis observatione elucubrate...

Marburg 1617 USD 400.00 - 800.00 USD 62.00
315 DUCLOS, Samuel Cottereau

Observations sur les Eaux Minerales de Plusiers Provinces de France, faites en l'Academie Royale des Sciences l'Annee 1670 & 1671...

Paris 1675 USD 250.00 - 500.00 USD 186.00
  • High Bids Win
    Rare Books, Catalogs, Magazines
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    December 24 to January 9
    High Bids Win, Dec. 24 – Jan. 9: Ellis Smith Prints unsigned. 20” by 16”.
    High Bids Win, Dec. 24 – Jan. 9: United typothetae of America presidents. Pictures of 37 UTA presidents 46th annual convention United typothetae of America Cincinnati 1932.
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    Rare Books, Catalogs, Magazines
    and Machine Manuals
    December 24 to January 9
    High Bids Win, Dec. 24 – Jan. 9: An exhibit of printed books, Bridwell library.
    High Bids Win, Dec. 24 – Jan. 9: A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur Court By Mark Twain 1889.
    High Bids Win, Dec. 24 – Jan. 9: 1963 Philadelphia Eagles official program.
    High Bids Win
    Rare Books, Catalogs, Magazines
    and Machine Manuals
    December 24 to January 9
    High Bids Win, Dec. 24 – Jan. 9: 8 - Esquire the magazine for men 1954.
    High Bids Win, Dec. 24 – Jan. 9: The American printer, July 1910.
    High Bids Win, Dec. 24 – Jan. 9: Leaves of grass 1855 by Walt Whitman.
  • Sotheby's
    Fine Books, Manuscripts & More
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    Sotheby’s: William Shakespeare.
    The Poems and Sonnets of William Shakespeare, 1960. 7,210 USD
    Sotheby’s: Charles Dickens.
    A Christmas Carol, First Edition, 1843. 17,500 USD
    Sotheby’s: William Golding.
    Lord of the Flies, First Edition, 1954. 5,400 USD
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    Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There, Inscribed First Edition, 1872. 25,000 USD
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    The Hobbit, First Edition, 1937. 12,000 USD
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    Paradise Lost, 1759. 5,400 USD
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