Kiefer Buch und Kunstauktionen: Books and Antiques, Ancient and Modern Art - Day 1, 136a, 75172 Pforzheim

Auction Details

Auction Report
Auction Date
December 04, 2024 - December 04, 2024
Page Size: 1494 items in 60 pages

Lot Number Author Name Book Title Place Printed Year Published Estimate Actual Price

Ablass. Indulentia Henaria Durante Capitulo nostro Generale Adeg.

1685 EUR 80.00 - 120.00 EUR 117.00

Ablass des Klosters Einsiedeln. Gebenedeyt sey die H. u. unbefleckte Empfangniss der seligsten Jungfrau Maria. Gregor XV. ertheilte Ao. 1621 den Ablass von 100 Jahr, allen sooft sie diess andachtig bethen

um 1650 EUR 160.00 - 240.00 EUR 208.00
3 Aemilius,G. (d.i. G.Oemler).

Epicedion illustris principis D. Wolfgangi Principis Hennenbergensis, qui in bello Gallico Anno MDXXXVII, in quadam oppungnatione globo ictus, extinctus est.

Wittenberg 1538 EUR 50.00 - 75.00 Not Sold
4 (Waldis,B.

Esopus, gantz new gemacht, und in Reimen gefasst. Mit sampt Hundert newer Fabeln, vormals in Druck nicht gesehen, noch aussgangen.

Ffm. 1548 EUR 180.00 - 270.00 EUR 234.00

Athiopien. 3 Schriften in amharischer Sprache, 1918-1920. 4deg.Enthalt: Regeln oder Verfassungen der abessinischen Monche nach Papst Felix II. - Missale, enthaltend 14 Messen...

1918-1920 EUR 160.00 - 240.00 EUR 208.00
6 Allatius (Allacci),L.

Confutatio fabulae de Ioanna Papissa. Ex monumentis Graecis.

Coloniae Agrippinae Koln 1645 EUR 300.00 - 450.00 EUR 585.00
7 (Allestree,R.).

The government of the tongue. By the author of the whole duty of man, &c. The fifth impression.

Oxford 1667 d.i.1677 EUR 100.00 - 150.00 EUR 130.00
8 Ameydenus, Theodor.

(Pseud.?) Tractatus de officio et jursidictione datarii, nec non de stylo datariae.

Koln 1701 EUR 80.00 - 120.00 Not Sold

Andachtsbilder. Ca. 130 Blatter in verschied. Techniken, von verschied. Stechern und in kleinen Formaten.

17. Bis 19. Jhdt EUR 1,100.00 - 1,600.00 Not Sold
10 (Andreas von Osterreich).

Benedictionale Ecclesiae, Et Diocoesis Constantiensis: Continens Ecclesiasticas Certarum Rerum Benedictiones, Exorcismos, & Cantica nonnulla..

Constanitiae Konstanz 1597 EUR 400.00 - 600.00 EUR 520.00
11 Antonelli,G.C.

Tractatus posthumus de juribus, & oneribus clericorum in duos libros distributus... 2 Tle. in 1 Bd.

Rom 1699 EUR 80.00 - 120.00 Not Sold
12 Appianus,A.

Romanarum Historiarum. Alexander Tollius, Utrumque textum multis in locis emendavit, correxit & Henrici Stephani, Ac Doctorum quorundam Virorum Selectas Annotationes adjecit...

Amstelodam 1670 EUR 160.00 - 240.00 Not Sold
13 Gobel,J.C.

Augspurgischer Adonibeseck. Das ist: Grundtlicher aussfuhrlicher Discurs De Lege Talionis Oder von dem Recht gleicher Vergeltung....

Augsburg 1633 EUR 100.00 - 150.00 Not Sold
14 Hertfelder,B.

Basilica SS. Vdalrici et Afrae Avgvstae Vindelicorvm Historice descripta atque aeneis figuris illustrata. Cum Chronico eiusdem ab Anno 46 vsque ad nostra Tempora.

Augsburg 1627 EUR 240.00 - 360.00 EUR 520.00
15 Babenstuber,L.

Ethica supernaturalis Salisburgensis.

Augsburg 1718 EUR 100.00 - 150.00 Not Sold
16 Bagatta,J.B.

Admiranda orbis christiani quae ad christi fidem firmandam, ... Post editionem venetam, secunda in Germania. 2 in 1 Bd.

Augsburg u. Dillingen 1700 EUR 80.00 - 120.00 EUR 182.00
17 Bail,L.

Theologie affectiva, Das ist, Anmuhtige Erkanntnus Gottlicher Dingen Oder Dess ... Lehrers Thomae von Aquin Summa Theologiae ... Gantzlich nach Ordnung seiner dreyen Theilen...

Koln 1712 EUR 70.00 - 100.00 EUR 117.00
18 Christell,J.M.

Besondere u. ausfuhrliche Nachrichten von der Evangelischen Barfusser- u. St. Jacobs-Kirchen in Augspurg.

Augsburg 1733 EUR 200.00 - 300.00 Not Sold
19 Barradas,S.

Opera. Ed. nova. 5 Bde.

Augsburg u. Graz 1742 EUR 260.00 - 400.00 Not Sold
20 Barry,

Sanctae intentiones hagiophilae tribvs et triginta pactis declaratae.

Ingolstadt 1646 EUR 120.00 - 180.00 EUR 156.00
21 Bartolus de Saxoferrato.

Omnia, quae extant, opera: eaque profecto non modo eiusdem Delphicis responsis quamplurimis, ac Tractatus de procuratoribus aucta, verum etiam aureis adno... 7. ed. Iuntarum. Bde. 1-6 u. 10

Venedig 1602-03 EUR 180.00 - 270.00 EUR 1,820.00
22 Barzia y Zambrana,J.

Kurtzer Begriff dess hochst-geruhmten, und schon achtmahl nicht ohne grossen Nutzen getruckten Christlichen Seelen-Weckers...

Koln u. Ffm. 1719 EUR 80.00 - 120.00 Not Sold
23 Barzia y Zambrana,

Christianus animarum excitator quo per sacros doctrinales sermones e selectis Scripturae locis singulari zelo ... 2 Bde.

Augsburg u. Dillingen 1721 EUR 80.00 - 120.00 Not Sold
24 Baumgarten,S.J.

Entwurf verschiedener homiletischen Zergliederungen oder Dispositionen von Predigten uber alle son(n)- und festtagliche Evangelia. 2 Tle. in 1 Bd.

Halle 1754 EUR 320.00 - 480.00 Not Sold
25 Beatus von Liebana.

In Apocalypsin... commentaria... studio H. Florez.

Madrid 1770 EUR 100.00 - 150.00 EUR 156.00
  • ALDE, Mar. 4: JÉRÔME (SAINT). Epistolæ. Parme, s.n., 1480. €15,000 to €20,000.
    ALDE, Mar. 4: DANTE ALIGHIERI. [La Divina Commedia]. Brescia, Bonino de Boninis, 1487. €10,000 to €12,000.
    ALDE, Mar. 4: PLINE L'ANCIEN. Historia naturalis. Parme, Andrea Portilia, 8 juillet 1481. €8,000 to €10,000.
    ALDE, Mar. 4: MÉTHODE D'OLYMPE. De revelatione facta ab angelo beato Methodio in carcere detento. Bâle, Michael Furter, 1504. €8,000 to €10,000.
    ALDE, Mar. 4: ARISTOPHANE. Κωμῳδίαι ἐννέα. Comœdiæ novem. Venise, Alde Manuce, 1498. €6,000 to €8,000.
    ALDE, Mar. 4: ARISTOPHANE. Κωμῳδίαι ἑνδεκα... Comœdiæ undecim cum scholiis antiquis. Genève, Société caldorienne, 1607. €800 to €1,000.
    ALDE, Mar. 4: EURIPIDE. Τραγωδιαι ἑπτακαίδεκα. Tragœdiæ septendecim. Venise, Alde, février 1503. €3,000 to €4,000.
    ALDE, Mar. 4: HIPPOCRATE. Τα ευρισκομενα... Opera omnia quæ extant, in VIII sectiones ex Erotiani mente distributa. Francfort, Claude de Marne et Johann Aubry, 1595. €800 to €1,000.
    ALDE, Mar. 4: HOMÈRE. Ποιήσεις άμφω ήτε Ιλιάς και η Οδύσσεια. Opus utrumque Iliados et Odysseæ. Bâle, Johann Herwagen, 1551. €800 to €1,000.
    ALDE, Mar. 4: PINDARE. Ολύμπια, Πύθια, Νέμεα, Ίσθμια. Olympia, Pythia, Nemea, Isthmia. [Genève], Paul Estienne, 1599. €400 to €500.
    ALDE, Mar. 4: PLATON. Ἅπαντα Πλάτωνος. Omnia opera, cum commentariis Procli in Timæum et Politica. Bâle, Johann Walder, 1534. €800 to €1,000.
    ALDE, Mar. 4: PLINE L'ANCIEN. Historia naturalis. Parme, Andrea Portilia, 8 juillet 1481. €8,000 to €10,000.
  • Gonnelli
    Auction 58
    Books, Autographs & Manuscripts
    March 11th-13th 2025
    Gonnelli: Manuscript and illuminated book of hours, mid-15th century.
    Gonnelli: Sumptuous Koran manuscript by Bukhara illuminators in the mid-nineteenth century.
    Gonnelli: Rowling J. K., Harry Potter e la Pietra Filosofale. Firenze: Adriano Salani, 1998.
    Gonnelli: Fontana Lucio, Dix eaux-fortes. Milano: Galerie Schwarz, 1962.
    Gonnelli: Valli Antonio, Il canto de gl'augelli. In Roma, Nicolò Mutij, 1601.
    Gonnelli: Moniglia Giovanni Andrea, Il Mondo Festeggiante. In Firenze: nella Stamperia di S.A.S., 1661.
    Gonnelli: Alighieri Dante, [Divine Comedy with commentary and Life of Dante by Cristoforo Landino]. Danthe alegieri fiorentino. Venezia, Capcasa, 1493.
    Gonnelli: Foresti, Novissime historiarum. Venezia, Rusconi, 1506.
    Gonnelli: Hieronymus (santo), Vita di sancti Padri vulgariter historiada. Venezia, Otino da Pavia, 1501.
    Gonnelli: Ghisi Andrea, Laberinto dato novamente in luce. In Venetia: per Euangelista Deuchino, 1616.
    Gonnelli: Gouvea Antonio (de), Innocentia victrix. [China, Canton], 1671.
    Gonnelli: Napier John, Rabdologiae, seu numerationis per virgulas libri duo. Edinburgi: Andreas Hart, 1617.
    Gonnelli: Ortelius Abraham, Theatrum orbis terrarum. Antverpiae: Aegid. Coppenium Diesth, xx Maii 1570.
  • Sotheby's
    Sell Your Fine Books & Manuscripts
    Sotheby’s: The Shem Tov Bible, 1312 | A Masterpiece from the Golden Age of Spain. Sold: 6,960,000 USD
    Sotheby’s: Ten Commandments Tablet, 300-800 CE | One of humanity's earliest and most enduring moral codes. Sold: 5,040,000 USD
    Sotheby’s: William Blake | Songs of Innocence and of Experience. Sold: 4,320,000 USD
    Sotheby’s: The Declaration of Independence | The Holt printing, the only copy in private hands. Sold: 3,360,000 USD
    Sell Your Fine Books & Manuscripts
    Sotheby’s: Thomas Taylor | The original cover art for Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Sold: 1,920,000 USD
    Sotheby’s: Machiavelli | Il Principe, a previously unrecorded copy of the book where modern political thought began. Sold: 576,000 GBP
    Sotheby’s: Leonardo da Vinci | Trattato della pittura, ca. 1639, a very fine pre-publication manuscript. Sold: 381,000 GBP
    Sotheby’s: Henri Matisse | Jazz, Paris 1947, the complete portfolio. Sold: 312,000 EUR
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