• Doyle, Dec. 6: An extensive archive of Raymond Chandler’s unpublished drafts of fantasy stories. $60,000 to $80,000.
    Doyle, Dec. 6: RAND, AYN. Single page from Ayn Rand’s handwritten first draft of her influential final novel Atlas Shrugged. $30,000 to $50,000.
    Doyle, Dec. 6: Ernest Hemingway’s first book with interesting provenance. Three Stories & Ten Poems. $20,000 to $30,000.
    Doyle, Dec. 6: Hemingway’s second book, one of 170 copies. In Our Time. $15,000 to $25,000.
    Doyle, Dec. 6: A finely colored example of Visscher’s double hemisphere world map, with a figured border. $12,000 to $18,000.
    Doyle, Dec. 6: Raymond Chandler’s Olivetti Studio 44 Typewriter. $10,000 to $20,000.
    Doyle, Dec. 6: Antonio Ordóñez's “Suit of Lights” owned by Ernest Hemingway. $10,000 to $20,000.
    Doyle, Dec. 6: A remarkable Truman archive featuring an inscribed beam from the White House construction. $8,000 to $12,000.
    Doyle, Dec. 6: The fourth edition of Audubon’s The Birds of America. $8,000 to $12,000.
    Doyle, Dec. 6: The original typed manuscript for Chandler’s only opera. The Princess and the Pedlar: An Entirely Original Comic Opera. $8,000 to $12,000.
    Doyle, Dec. 6: A splendidly illustrated treatise on ancient Peru and its Incan civilization. $7,000 to $10,000.
    Doyle, Dec. 6: A superb copy of Claude Lorrain’s Liber Veritatis from Longleat House. $5,000 to $8,000.
  • High Bids Win
    Letterpress & Bindery Auction
    Nov. 20 – Dec. 5, 2024
    High Bids Win, Nov. 20 – Dec. 5: Book Press 10 1/2× 15 1/4" Platen , 2 1/2" Daylight.
    High Bids Win, Nov. 20 – Dec. 5: The Tubbs Mfg Co. wooden-type cabinet 27” w by 37” h by 22” deep.
    High Bids Win, Nov. 20 – Dec. 5: G.P.Gordon printing press 7” by 11” with treadle. Needs rollers, trucks, and grippers. Missing roller spring.
    High Bids Win
    Letterpress & Bindery Auction
    Nov. 20 – Dec. 5, 2024
    High Bids Win, Nov. 20 – Dec. 5: D & C Ventris curved wood type 2” tall 5/8” wide.
    High Bids Win, Nov. 20 – Dec. 5: Wood Type 1 1/4” tall.
    High Bids Win, Nov. 20 – Dec. 5: Quarter Case with Lead Triangles.
    High Bids Win
    Letterpress & Bindery Auction
    Nov. 20 – Dec. 5, 2024
    High Bids Win, Nov. 20 – Dec. 5: Page & Co wood type 1 1/4” tall 1/4” wide.
    High Bids Win, Nov. 20 – Dec. 5: Awt 578 type hi gauge.
    High Bids Win, Nov. 20 – Dec. 5: Quarter Case with Lead Penline Flourishes.
    High Bids Win
    Letterpress & Bindery Auction
    Nov. 20 – Dec. 5, 2024
    High Bids Win, Nov. 20 – Dec. 5: Quarter Case with Lead Penline Flourishes.
    High Bids Win, Nov. 20 – Dec. 5: Quarter Case with Lead Cents and Pound Signs.
    High Bids Win, Nov. 20 – Dec. 5: Wooden type cabinet 27” w by 19” d by 38” h.
  • Sotheby's
    Fine Books, Manuscripts & More
    Available for Immediate Purchase
    Sotheby’s: J.R.R. Tolkien. The Lord of the Rings Trilogy. 11,135 USD
    Sotheby’s: Edgar Allan Poe. The Raven and Other Poems, 1845. 33,000 USD
    Sotheby’s: Leo Tolstoy, Clara Bow. War and Peace, 1886. 22,500 USD
    Sotheby’s: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, 1902. 7,500 USD
    Sotheby’s: F. Scott Fitzgerald. This Side of Paradise, The Great Gatsby, and Others, 1920-1941. 24,180 USD
  • Doyle, Dec. 5: Minas Avetisian (1928-1975). Rest, 1973. $8,000 to $12,000.
    Doyle, Dec. 5: Anna Vaughn Hyatt Huntington (1876-1973). Yawning Tiger, conceived 1917. $3,000 to $5,000.
    Doyle, Dec. 5: Robert M. Kulicke (1924-2007). Full-Blown Red and White Roses in a Glass Vase, 1982. $3,000 to $5,000.
    Doyle, Dec. 5: Pablo Picasso (1881-1973). L’ATELIER DE CANNES (Bloch 794; Mourlot 279). The cover for Ces Peintres Nos Amis, vol. II. $1,000 to $1,500.
    Doyle, Dec. 5: LeRoy Neiman (1921-2012). THE BEACH AT CANNES, 1979. $1,200 to $1,800.
    Doyle, Dec. 5: Richard Avendon, the suite of eleven signed portraits from the Avedon/Paris portfolio. $150,000 to $250,000.
    Doyle, Dec. 5: Robert Mapplethorpe (1946-1989). Flowers in Vase, 1985. $20,000 to $30,000.
    Doyle, Dec. 5: Edward Weston (1886-1958). Nude, 1936. $20,000 to $30,000.
    Doyle, Dec. 5: Edward Weston (1886-1958). Juniper, High Sierra, 1937.
    Doyle, Dec. 5: Steven J. Levn (b. 1964). Plumage II, 2011. $6,000 to $8,000.
    Doyle, Dec. 5: Steven Meisel (b. 1954). Madonna, Miami, (from Sex), 1992. $6,000 to $9,000.

Gonnelli Casa DAste: Books, Autographs and Manuscripts - Day 3 - Session IV: Books from XVI to XX Century (First part) Session V: Books from XVI to XX Century (Second part), A54c, Firenze

Auction Details

Auction Report
Auction Date
October 10, 2024 - October 10, 2024
Page Size: 249 items in 10 pages

Lot Number Author Name Book Title Place Printed Year Published Estimate Actual Price
542 L'Obel Matthias (de)

L'Obel Matthias (de), [Icones stirpium, seu plantarum tam exoticarum, quam indigenarum, in gratiam rei herbariae studiosorum in duas partes digestae.] [Antuerpiae: ex Officina Plantiniana apud viduam et Ioannem Moretum, 1591].

Antwerpen 1591 EUR 600.00 - 600.00 EUR 1,638.00
543 Laplace Pierre Simon (de)

Laplace Pierre Simon (de), Theorie analytique des probabilites... Paris: Mme Ve Courcier, Imprimeur-Libraire pour les Mathemathiques, 1812.

Paris 1812 EUR 8,000.00 - 8,000.00 EUR 35,280.00
544 Laziardus Johannes

Laziardus Johannes, Conserta Epitomata a primeva mundi origine ad tempora nostra... [Parigi] i: Venundantur ab Emundo le feure commorante in vico diui Iacobi sub signo lunae crescentis: & ab Ioanne Keruer sub Crate eiusdem vici (1521).

1521 EUR 300.00 - 300.00 EUR 504.00
545 Le Maout Emmanuel

Le Maout Emmanuel, Les trois regnes de la Nature. Botanique. Organographie et taxonomie. Histoire naturelle des familles vegetales... Paris, L. Curmer, 1854.

Paris 1854 EUR 200.00 - 200.00 Not Sold
546 Le Pois Nicolas

Le Pois Nicolas, De cognoscendis et curandis praecipue internis humani corporis morbis libri tres... Francofurti: apud And. Wechelum, 1580.

Frankfurt 1580 EUR 300.00 - 300.00 EUR 403.00
547 Lemery Nicolas

Lemery Nicolas, Dizionario overo trattato universale delle droghe semplici [...]. Edizione terza accresciuta. In Venezia: Giuseppe Bertella, 1751.

Venezia 1751 EUR 260.00 - 260.00 EUR 575.00
548 Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci, Trattato della pittura. Milano: dalla Societa tipografica de' Classici Italiani, 1804.

Milano 1804 EUR 50.00 - 50.00 EUR 277.00
549 Lerebours Nicolas-Marie Paymal

Lerebours Nicolas-Marie Paymal, Excursions daguerriennes. Vues et monuments les plus remarquables du globe. A Paris: chez Rittner et Goupil; Lerebours: H.r Bossange, 1842.

Paris 1842 EUR 1,500.00 - 1,500.00 EUR 2,520.00
550 Lerebours Nicolas-Marie Paymal

Lerebours Nicolas-Marie Paymal, Traite de photographie. Derniers perfectionnements apportes au Daguerreotype (quatrieme edition). Juin 1843. Paris: N.-P. Lerebours, 1843.

Paris 1843 EUR 800.00 - 800.00 EUR 1,500.00
551 Lobera de Avila Luis

Lobera de Avila Luis, Libro delle quatro infermita cortigiane, che sono catarro, gotta, artetica, sciatica [...] Tradotto di spagnuolo in italiano per m. Pietro Lauro. (Al colophon:) In Venetia: appresso Gio. Battista, & Marchio Sessa, fratelli, 1558.

Venezia 1558 EUR 220.00 - 220.00 EUR 277.00
552 Louis XIV - Re di Francia

Louis XIV - Re di Francia, Edit du Roy, portant reglement general sur les duels... A Lyon: chez Antoine Jullieron, 1679.

Lyon 1679 EUR 100.00 - 100.00 EUR 188.00
553 Lucretius Titus Carus

Lucretius Titus Carus, In Carum Lucretium poetam commentarii a Ioanne Baptista Pio editi... Vaenundantur ab Ascensio. & Ioanne Paruo. (Al colophon:) In chalcographia Ascensiana, ad IIII Idus Augusti 1514.

Paris 1514 EUR 300.00 - 300.00 EUR 756.00
554 Luigi XVI di Francia

Luigi XVI di Francia, Traite d'amitie et de commerce, conclu entre les Roi et les Etats-Unis de l'Amerique septentrionale, le 6 Fevrier 1778. A Paris: de l'Imprimerie Royale, 1778.

Paris 1778 EUR 9,000.00 - 9,000.00 Not Sold
555 Lull Ramon

Lull Ramon, Opera ea quae ad adinventam ab ipso artem universalem... Argentorati: sumptibus haeredum Lazari Zetzneri, 1651.

Strasbourg 1651 EUR 120.00 - 120.00 EUR 1,071.00
556 Machiavelli Niccolo

Machiavelli Niccolo, Historie di Nicolo Machiauegli cittadino, et segretario fiorentino... 1537

1537 EUR 240.00 - 240.00 EUR 3,276.00
557 Magalotti Lorenzo

Magalotti Lorenzo, Saggi di naturali esperienze fatte nell'Accademia del Cimento... In Firenze: nella nuova stamperia di Gio. Filippo Cecchi, 1691.

Firenze 1691 EUR 280.00 - 280.00 EUR 605.00
558 Malpighi Marcello

Malpighi Marcello, De viscerum structura exercitatio anatomica [...]. Accedit Dissertatio eiusdem de Polypo Cordis. Bononiae: ex typographia Iacobi Montij, 1666.

Bologna 1666 EUR 5,000.00 - 5,000.00 EUR 6,300.00
559 Manara Giuseppe

Manara Giuseppe, Saggio di traduzioni poetiche in vario metro... Milano: (stampato a spesa dell'Autore e fuori di commercio), 1852.

Milano 1852 EUR 60.00 - 60.00 EUR 125.00
560 Mandeville John (sir)

Mandeville John (sir), Qual tratta delle piu maravegliose cose e piu notabile che si trovino e come presentialmente ha cercato tutte le parte habitabile del mondo... 1537 (Al colophon:) Stampato in Venetia: per Aluise Torti, 1537 nel mese di Otubrio.

Venezia 1537 EUR 150.00 - 150.00 EUR 8,820.00
561 Manni Domenico Maria

Manni Domenico Maria, Istoria del Decamerone. In Firenze: si vende da Antonio Ristori, 1742.

Firenze 1742 EUR 80.00 - 80.00 EUR 202.00
562 Manni Domenico Maria

Manni Domenico Maria, Notizie istoriche intorno al parlagio ovvero anfiteatro di Firenze. In Bologna: per Tommaso Colli a S. Tommaso d'Aquino, 1746.

Bologna 1746 EUR 120.00 - 120.00 EUR 214.00
563 Manzoni Alessandro

Manzoni Alessandro, Inni Sacri [...] Seconda Edizione. Milano, presso Vincenzo Ferrario, 1822.

Milano 1822 EUR 120.00 - 120.00 EUR 151.00
564 Manzoni Alessandro

Manzoni Alessandro, I Promessi Sposi. Padova: Fratelli Salmin, 1902.

Padova 1902 EUR 110.00 - 110.00 EUR 302.00
565 Mazzella Scipione

Mazzella Scipione, Descrittione del Regno di Napoli... In Napoli: ad istanza di Gio. Battista Cappello, 1601.

Napoli 1601 EUR 280.00 - 280.00 EUR 479.00
566 Menabrea Luigi Federico

Menabrea Luigi Federico, Sketch of the analytical engine invented by Charles Babbage Esq. London: Richard and John E. Taylor, 1843.

London 1843 EUR 5,000.00 - 5,000.00 EUR 163,800.00
  • Dominic Winter Auctioneers
    Printed Books, Maps & Ephemera
    Printing Woodblocks by Thomas & John Bewick
    12 December 2024
    Dominic Winter, Dec. 12: Gell (William). The Topography of Troy, and its Vicinity, 1804. £2,000 to £3,000.
    Dominic Winter, Dec. 12: Low (David). The Breeds of the Domestic Animals of the British Islands, 1842. £1,500 to £2,000.
    Dominic Winter, Dec. 12: North America. Moll (Herman)..., This Map of North America..., circa 1725. £1,000 to £1,500.
    Dominic Winter Auctioneers
    Printed Books, Maps & Ephemera
    Printing Woodblocks by Thomas & John Bewick
    12 December 2024
    Dominic Winter, Dec. 12: Bible [English]. [The Holie Bible conteynyng the Olde Testament and the Newe, 1568]. £3,000 to £5,000.
    Dominic Winter, Dec. 12: Chaucer (Geoffrey). The Workes of Our Ancient and Learned English Poet, newly Printed, 1602. £1,500 to £2,000. £1,500 to £2,000.
    Dominic Winter, Dec. 12: Cuffee (Paul). Memoir of Captain Paul Cuffee, A Man of Color, Liverpool, 1811. £300 to £500.
    Dominic Winter Auctioneers
    Modern First Editions & Illustrated Books, Playing Cards, Toys & Games
    13 December 2024
    Dominic Winter, Dec. 13: Milne (A. A.) The House at Pooh Corner, signed limited edition, 1928. £3,000 to £5,000.
    Dominic Winter, Dec. 13: Huxley (Aldous). Brave New World, limited signed edition, 1932. £2,000 to £3,000.
    Dominic Winter, Dec. 13: Orwell (George). Animal Farm, 1st edition, 1945. £2,000 to £3,000.
    Dominic Winter Auctioneers
    Modern First Editions & Illustrated Books, Playing Cards, Toys & Games
    13 December 2024
    Dominic Winter, Dec. 13: Rowling (J. K.). Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, 1st edition, 1st impression, 1997. £30,000 to £50,000.
    Dominic Winter, Dec. 13: Tolkien (J. R. R.) The Lord of the Rings, 3 volumes, 1st edition, 1954-55. £2,000 to £3,000.
    Dominic Winter, Dec. 13: Wells (H. G.) The War of the Worlds, 1st edition, 1st issue, 1898. £1,000 to £1,500.
  • ALDE, Dec. 9: BLAEU (JOAN) ET BORGOGNIO (GIO TOMASO). Theatre des Estats de son Altesse Royale le duc de Savoye…, La Haye, 1700. €25,000 to €30,000.
    ALDE, Dec. 9: BROWNE (JAMES D. HOWE). Ten Scenes in the last Ascent of Mont Blanc including five Views from the Summit. London, 1853. €6,000 to €8,000.
    ALDE, Dec. 9: FELLOWS (CHARLES). A Narrative of an Ascent to the Summit of Mont-Blanc. London, 1827. €30,000 to €40,000.
    ALDE, Dec. 9: HACQUET (BELSAZAR). Physikalisch= Politische Reise aus den Dinarischen durch die Julischen…, Leipzig, 1785. €3,000 to €4,000.
    ALDE, Dec. 9: HAWES (BENJAMIN). A Narrative of an Ascent to the Summit of Mont-Blanc made during the summer of 1827 by Mr. William Hawes and Mr. Charles Fellows, 1828.
    ALDE, Dec. 9: MARTEL (PIERRE) ET WINDHAM (WILLIAM). An account of the glacieres or ice Alps in Savoy, in two letters…, London, 1744. €6,000 to €8,000.
    ALDE, Dec. 9: PITSCHNER (WILHELM). Der Mont Blanc Darstellung des Besteigung desselben am 31 Juli, 1 und 2 August 1859…, Berlin, 1860-1864. €8,000 to €10,000.
    ALDE, Dec. 9: SCHEUCHZER (JOHANN JACOB). Natur-Geschichte des Schweizerlandes, samt seinen Reisen über die Schweitzerische Gebürge. Zurich, 1746. €3,000 to €4,000.
    ALDE, Dec. 9: STUMPF (JOANNES). Gemeiner loblicher Eydgnosschaft Stetten, Landen, und Völckeren Chronicwirdiger Thaatenbeschreybung. Zurich, Christoph Froschauer, 1548. €2,500 to €3,500.
    ALDE, Dec. 9: WALTON (ELIJAH) ET BONNEY (THOMAS GEORGE). The Peaks and valleys of the Alps. London, 1868. €3,000 to €4,000.
    ALDE, Dec. 9: WYTTENBACH (JACOB SAMUEL). Vues remarquables des montagnes de la Suisse, avec leur description. Amsterdam, 1785. €15,000 to €20,000.
  • Fonsie Mealy’s, Dec. 11-12: A Rare Complete Run of the Cuala Press Broadsides. €5,500 to €7,000.
    Fonsie Mealy’s, Dec. 11-12: Rare First Edition of a Classic Work. [Stafford (Thos.)] Pacata Hibernia, Ireland Appeased and Reduced…, 1633. €1,500 to €2,000.
    Fonsie Mealy’s, Dec. 11-12: Yeats (W.B.) The Poems of W.B. Yeats, 2 vols. Lond. (MacMillan & Co.) 1949. Signed by author, limited edition. €1,250 to €1,750.
    Fonsie Mealy’s, Dec. 11-12: Fishing: Literal Translation into English of the Earliest Known Book on Fowling and Fishing, Written originally in Flemish and Printed at Antwerp in 1492. London (Chiswick Press) 1872. €1,500 to €2,000.
    Fonsie Mealy’s, Dec. 11-12: Fishing: Blacker's - Art of Fly Making, etc., Comprising Angling & Dying of Colours..., Rewritten & Revised. Lond. 1855. €250 to €350.
    Fonsie Mealy’s, Dec. 11-12: Joyce (James). Finnegans Wake,, London (Faber & Faber Ltd.) 1939, Lim. Edn. No. 269 (425) copies, Signed by the Author (in green pen). €3,000 to €4,000.
    Fonsie Mealy’s, Dec. 11-12: Synge (J.M.) & Yeats (Jack B.) illus. The Aran Islands,, D. (Maunsel & Co. Ltd.) 1907, Signed Limited Edn. €4,000 to €5,000.
    Fonsie Mealy’s, Dec. 11-12: Meyer (Dr. A.B.) Unser Auer -, Rackel-Und Birkwild und Seine Abarten, Wien (Verlag Von Adolph W. Kunast) 1887. €2,500 to €3,500.
    Fonsie Mealy’s, Dec. 11-12: Carve (Thomas). Itinerarium R.D. Thomas Carve Tripperariensis, Sacellani Maioris in Fortisima iuxta…,, Moguntia (Mainz) impriemebat Nicolaus Heyll, 1639. €1,500 to €2,000.
    Fonsie Mealy’s, Dec. 11-12: Grose (Francis). The Antiquities of Ireland, 2 vols. folio London (for S. Hooper) 1791. First Edition. €3,000 to €5,000.
    Fonsie Mealy’s, Dec. 11-12: Heaney (Seamus) & Le Brocquy (Louis) artist. Ugolino, D. (Dolmen Press) 1979, Signed Limited Edition No. 87 (125) Copies. €3,500 to €4,500.
    Fonsie Mealy’s, Dec. 11-12: Heaney (Seamus). Eleven Poems, Belfast (Festival publications - Queens University) [1965], First Edn., (First Issue) Signed. €2,500 to €3,500.
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