Kiefer Buch und Kunstauktionen: Books, Graphics modern and ancient Arts, Antiques - Day 2, 135b, 75172 Pforzheim

Auction Details

Auction Date
September 26, 2024 - September 26, 2024
Page Size: 1325 items in 53 pages

Lot Number Author Name Book Title Place Printed Year Published Estimate Actual Price
1737 Pecquet,J.

Experimenta nova anatomica

Amsterdam 1700 EUR 200.00 - 200.00 Unknown
1738 Autenrieth,W.

Die Auffindung der Gifte und stark wirkende Arzneistoffe

Tubingen 1903 EUR 100.00 - 100.00 Unknown
1739 Bucholz,C.F.

Theorie und Praxis der pharmaceutisch-chemischen Arbeiten...

Wien 1818 EUR 150.00 - 150.00 Unknown
1740 Spielmann,J.R.

Pharmacopoea generalis

Strassburg 1783 EUR 200.00 - 200.00 Unknown
1741 Freud,S.

Gesammelte Schriften

Zurich 1924-28 EUR 400.00 - 400.00 Unknown
1742 Reil,J.C. (Hrsg.).

Archiv fur die Physiologie

Halle 1797-1799 EUR 60.00 - 60.00 Unknown
1743 Richter,C.F.

Hochst-nothige Erkenntniss des Menschen, sonderlich nach dem Leibe und naturlichem Leben...

Lpz. 1741 EUR 90.00 - 90.00 Unknown
1744 Sammlung

Sammlung von 25 Schriften in 27 Bdn. Versch. Formate u. Einbde.

EUR 180.00 - 180.00 Unknown
1745 Sechenov,I.M.

Reflksy golovnago mozga

Sankt Petersburg 1871 EUR 600.00 - 600.00 Unknown
1746 (Westphal,C.).

Was hat man zu thun, um eine schwache Brust zu starken, der Lungensucht vorzubeugen und sie zu heilen

Lpz. 1824 EUR 150.00 - 150.00 Unknown

Der nach medicinischen Lehr-Satzen sicher und gewiss curirende Pferde-Arzt

Lpz. 1775 EUR 90.00 - 90.00 Unknown
1748 Vetter,A.R.

Erklarung der Physiologie

Wien 1793-94 EUR 90.00 - 90.00 Unknown
1749 Woyt,J.J.

Gazophylacium Medico-Physicum, oder Schatz-Kammer medicinisch- und naturlicher Dinge...

Lpz. 1767 EUR 270.00 - 270.00 Unknown
1750 Scheff,J. (Hrsg.).

Handbuch der Zahnheilkunde

Lpz. 1909-10 EUR 120.00 - 120.00 Unknown
1751 Betrachtungen

Betrachtungen von dem grossen Nutzen und Schaden der vierfussigen Thiere...

Bunzlau 1776 EUR 120.00 - 120.00 Unknown
1752 Bloch,M.E.

Allgemeine Naturgeschichte der Fische

Berlin 1782-1783 EUR 4,000.00 - 4,000.00 Unknown
1753 Giebel,C.G.

Die Naturgeschichte des Thierreichs

Lpz. 1859-63 EUR 60.00 - 60.00 Unknown

Chien Primitif, Le, apercus nouveaux sur l'origine du culte des animaux...

Nantes 1846 EUR 90.00 - 90.00 Unknown
1755 Aldrovandi,U.

De animalibus insectis libri septem, cum singulorum iconibus ad vivum expressis

Bologna 1638 EUR 2,000.00 - 2,000.00 Unknown
1756 Sombart,J.J.

Nachricht von der Behandlungsart der Angorischen Kaninchen oder Seidenhasen...

Magdeburg 1792 EUR 150.00 - 150.00 Unknown
1757 Ellis,J.

Versuch einer Natur-Geschichte der Corall-Arten und anderer dergleichen Mer-Corper...

Nurnberg 1767 EUR 600.00 - 600.00 Unknown
1758 Beckmann,L.

Geschichte und Beschreibung der Rassen des Hundes

Brschwg. 1894-95 EUR 200.00 - 200.00 Unknown
1759 Mochi,U. u. T.D.Carter.

Hoofed mammals of the world

London 1953 EUR 75.00 - 75.00 Unknown
1760 Buonanni,F.

Recreatio mentis et oculi in observatione animalium testaceorum curiosis naturae inspectoribus

Rom 1684 EUR 1,800.00 - 1,800.00 Unknown
1761 Jickeli,C.F.

Fauna der Land- und Susswasser-Mollusken Nord-Ost-Afrika's

Drsdn. 1874 EUR 90.00 - 90.00 Unknown
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    Fine Books, Manuscripts and Works on Paper
    26th September 2024
    Forum, 26 Sep: Bible, Arabic & Latin. Biblia Sacra Arabica, 3 vol., Rome, Tipografia della Congregazione di Propaganda Fide, 1671. £15,000 to £20,000.
    Forum, 26 Sep: Shepard (Ernest). "Wind in the Willows" Toad Escapes from Prison, original pencil drawing with watercolour, 1931. £15,000 to £20,000.
    Forum, 26 Sep: Economics.- Smith (Adam). An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, 2 vol., second edition, Printed for W. Strahan; and T. Cadell, 1778. £12,000 to £18,000.
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    Fine Books, Manuscripts and Works on Paper
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    Forum, 26 Sep: Burma.- Burmese School (1870s). Folding manuscript, or parabaik, of festivities and processions, probably from the Court Workshop at the Royal Court at Manadaly, Burma, [c. 1870]. £10,000 to £15,000.
    Forum, 26 Sep: More (Sir Thomas). La Description de l'Isle d'Utopie ou est comprins le Miroer des republiques du monde, first French edition, Paris, Charles l'Angelier, 1550. £8,000 to £12,000.
    Forum, 26 Sep: Botany.- Dioscorides (Pedanius). De medicinali materia libri sex, hand-coloured throughout, Frankfurt-am-Main, Chr. Egenolff, 1543. £8,000 to £12,000.
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    Fine Books, Manuscripts and Works on Paper
    26th September 2024
    Forum, 26 Sep: World.- Blaeu (Johannes). Nova et Accuratissima Totius Terrarum Orbis Tabula Auctore Joanne Blaeu, engraved map, [c.1662]. £8,000 to £12,000.
    Forum, 26 Sep: Shelley (Mary). Frankenstein: or, The Modern Prometheus, 2 vol., [second edition], Printed for G. and W.B. Whittaker, 1823. £7,000 to £10,000.
    Forum, 26 Sep: [Evans (Marian)] 'George Eliot'. A complete set of first editions of her works, uniformly bound in red morocco, 1858-1885 (30). £6,000 to £8,000.
    Forum Auctions
    Fine Books, Manuscripts and Works on Paper
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    Forum, 26 Sep: Lewis (C.S.) [The Chronicles of Narnia], 7 vol., first editions, 1950-56. £6,000 to £8,000.
    Forum, 26 Sep: Albertolli (Ferdinando). Porte di Città e Fortezze...di Michele Sammicheli, Milan, 1815. £4,000 to £6,000.
    Forum, 26 Sep: Gregynog Press.- Euripides. The Plays, one of 25 specially-bound copies, this by George Fisher at the Gregynog Bindery, 1931. £4,000 to £6,000.
  • Gonnelli
    Auction 54
    Books, Autographs & Manuscripts
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    Gonnelli: Menù di gala per l'incoronazione di Nicola II Romanov e di Aleksandra Feodorovna. Moskva, 1896. Starting price 1000 €
    Gonnelli: Raccolta di 38 albumine, molte colorate a mano, di vedute della Cina, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Giappone e vari ritratti, 1880. Starting price 340 €
    Gonnelli: Lucio Fontana. Milan: Achille Mauri, 1968. Starting price 400 €
    Gonnelli: Mucha Alphonse, Documents décoratifs, 1901-1902. Starting price 10000 €
    Gonnelli: Christie Agatha, The Mysterious Affair at Styles. A detective story. London: John Lane, 1921. Starting price 460 €
    Gonnelli: Alberti Leon Battista, Ecatonphyla. Venice: Bernardino da Cremona, 1491. Starting price 10000 €
    Gonnelli: Menabrea Luigi Federico, Sketch of the analytical engine invented by Charles Babbage Esq. London: Richard and John E. Taylor, 1843. Starting price 5000 €
    Gonnelli: Bardi Giovanni, Memorie del calcio fiorentino. Florence, 1688. Starting price 1000 €
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