De Baecque and Associes: Ancient and Modern Prints, 155227, Lyon

Auction Details

Auction Date
September 26, 2024 - September 26, 2024
Page Size: 192 items in 8 pages

Lot Number Author Name Book Title Place Printed Year Published Estimate Actual Price
650 Jacques CALLOT (1592-1635)

La petite treille (last plate engraved by Callot)

EUR 150.00 - 200.00 Unknown
651 Jacques CALLOT (1592-1635)

Set of engravings composed as follows: - Les combats de cavalerie (Combat a l'epee / Combat au pistolet)

EUR 200.00 - 300.00 Unknown
652 By and after Jacques CALLOT (1592-1635)

La Petite Place de Sienne (Piazza del Campo, Siena) (1612-1617)

EUR 300.00 - 400.00 Unknown
653 Claude Gellee, known as LE LORRAIN (1600-1682)

Seaport at the canal. C. 1638 -41

1638 -41 EUR 150.00 - 200.00 Unknown
654 Claude Gellee dit Le LORRAIN (1600-1682)

The draughtsman

EUR 150.00 - 200.00 Unknown
655 Abraham BOSSE (1602/04-1676)

Set of engravings composed as follows: - Isolated plates from the suite "Le jardin de la Noblesse Francoise dans lequel ce peut ceuillir leur maniere de Vettements" (sic) after Jean de Saint-Igny

EUR 150.00 - 200.00 Unknown
656 Abraham BOSSE (1602/1604 - 1676)

Water (isolated plate from the suite The Four Elements)

EUR 80.00 - 120.00 Unknown
657 Gerard EDELINCK (1640-1707)

Portrait of Charles le Brun Peintre du roi, after Nicolas de Largilliere

EUR 150.00 - 200.00 Unknown
658 Pierre DREVET (1663-1738)

Portrait of Cardinal Francois de Mailly, after Van Loo

EUR 80.00 - 120.00 Unknown
659 [Death] French school of the 17th century

Allegory depicting Louis XIV in majesty with Death at his feet

EUR 60.00 - 80.00 Unknown
660 Jean LEPAUTRE (1618-1682)

Set of engravings composed as follows: - Scene de diner dans un salon

EUR 60.00 - 80.00 Unknown
661 Sebastien I LECLERC (1637-1714)

Set of engravings composed as follows: - La galerie de l'Hostel royal des Gobelins, ou l'on fait voir a Monseigneur de Colbert [...]

EUR 200.00 - 250.00 Unknown
662 Nicolas DORIGNY (1658-1746)

The Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian after the Dominiquin

EUR 100.00 - 150.00 Unknown
663 Israel SILVESTRE (1621-1691) & other artists

Collection of 11 small views of Rome, 1 view of the Louvre, Rouen and the galley Bucentaure of Venice

EUR 150.00 - 200.00 Unknown
664 Francois PERRIER (c.1590-c.1650) known as le Bourguignon

Set of three engravings after antique friezes

EUR 150.00 - 200.00 Unknown
665 After Jean-Antoine WATTEAU (1684-1721)

Watteau and his friend Jean de Julienne

EUR 150.00 - 200.00 Unknown
666 After Jean-Antoine WATTEAU (1684-1721)

Suite of 4 vignettes, one of which depicts the actor Poisson, in peasant costume

EUR 150.00 - 200.00 Unknown
667 Stefano DELLA BELLA (1610-1664)

Set of engravings composed as follows: - Four plates from the suite "Divers exercices de cavalerie".

EUR 200.00 - 300.00 Unknown
668 Stefano DELLA BELLA (1610-1664)

Death carrying a child on his back (pl. from the suite "The Five Deaths")

EUR 600.00 - 800.00 Unknown
669 [DEATH]

Missae Pro Defunctis

EUR 200.00 - 300.00 Unknown
670 After Giovanni Battista FALDA (1648-1678)

New Conception of the Solemn Procession

EUR 150.00 - 200.00 Unknown
671 Giovanni Battista FALDA (1648-1678)

Veduta del Castello San Angelo 1671

1671 EUR 400.00 - 600.00 Unknown
672 Francesco Faraone AQUILA (1676-1740)

Suite of seven prints of antique statues (sculptures from Italian palaces) published in Rome by Domenico de Rossi

EUR 150.00 - 200.00 Unknown
673 Giovanni Antonio CANAL, detto CANALETTO (1697-1768)

The terrace

EUR 800.00 - 1,200.00 Unknown
674 Giovanni Battista PIRANESI (1720-1778)

View of the temple of Minerva Medica

EUR 100.00 - 200.00 Unknown
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    Fine Books, Manuscripts and Works on Paper
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    Forum, 26 Sep: Bible, Arabic & Latin. Biblia Sacra Arabica, 3 vol., Rome, Tipografia della Congregazione di Propaganda Fide, 1671. £15,000 to £20,000.
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    Forum, 26 Sep: More (Sir Thomas). La Description de l'Isle d'Utopie ou est comprins le Miroer des republiques du monde, first French edition, Paris, Charles l'Angelier, 1550. £8,000 to £12,000.
    Forum, 26 Sep: Botany.- Dioscorides (Pedanius). De medicinali materia libri sex, hand-coloured throughout, Frankfurt-am-Main, Chr. Egenolff, 1543. £8,000 to £12,000.
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    Forum, 26 Sep: World.- Blaeu (Johannes). Nova et Accuratissima Totius Terrarum Orbis Tabula Auctore Joanne Blaeu, engraved map, [c.1662]. £8,000 to £12,000.
    Forum, 26 Sep: Shelley (Mary). Frankenstein: or, The Modern Prometheus, 2 vol., [second edition], Printed for G. and W.B. Whittaker, 1823. £7,000 to £10,000.
    Forum, 26 Sep: [Evans (Marian)] 'George Eliot'. A complete set of first editions of her works, uniformly bound in red morocco, 1858-1885 (30). £6,000 to £8,000.
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    Forum, 26 Sep: Lewis (C.S.) [The Chronicles of Narnia], 7 vol., first editions, 1950-56. £6,000 to £8,000.
    Forum, 26 Sep: Albertolli (Ferdinando). Porte di Città e Fortezze...di Michele Sammicheli, Milan, 1815. £4,000 to £6,000.
    Forum, 26 Sep: Gregynog Press.- Euripides. The Plays, one of 25 specially-bound copies, this by George Fisher at the Gregynog Bindery, 1931. £4,000 to £6,000.
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    Auction 54
    Books, Autographs & Manuscripts
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    Gonnelli: Menù di gala per l'incoronazione di Nicola II Romanov e di Aleksandra Feodorovna. Moskva, 1896. Starting price 1000 €
    Gonnelli: Raccolta di 38 albumine, molte colorate a mano, di vedute della Cina, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Giappone e vari ritratti, 1880. Starting price 340 €
    Gonnelli: Lucio Fontana. Milan: Achille Mauri, 1968. Starting price 400 €
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    Gonnelli: Christie Agatha, The Mysterious Affair at Styles. A detective story. London: John Lane, 1921. Starting price 460 €
    Gonnelli: Alberti Leon Battista, Ecatonphyla. Venice: Bernardino da Cremona, 1491. Starting price 10000 €
    Gonnelli: Menabrea Luigi Federico, Sketch of the analytical engine invented by Charles Babbage Esq. London: Richard and John E. Taylor, 1843. Starting price 5000 €
    Gonnelli: Bardi Giovanni, Memorie del calcio fiorentino. Florence, 1688. Starting price 1000 €
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