Setdart: Private Collection: Avant-garde Geniuses of the 20th and 21st Centuries, - incl. prints and photographs, 61224, BARCELONA

Auction Details

Auction Date
June 12, 2024 - June 12, 2024
Page Size: 39 items in 2 pages

Lot Number Author Name Book Title Place Printed Year Published Estimate Actual Price
136 CHEREFEDDIN ALI (15th century).

"The history of Timur-Bec: known by the name of Tamerlain the Great, emperor of the Moguls and Tartars: being an historical journal of his conquests in Asia and Europe".

1723 EUR 600.00 - 900.00 Unknown

Credo, Immagini d'arte e letteratura, 2007.

2007 EUR 2,000.00 - 3,000.00 Unknown

Mundus Novus, 2009.

2009 EUR 600.00 - 700.00 Unknown
139 FEDERICO GARCIA LORCA (Fuente Vaqueros, Granada, 1898-Viznar a Alfacar, Granada, 1936) and RAFAEL ALBERTI (El Puerto de Santa Maria, Cadiz, 1902 - 1999).

"Romancero Gitano", 1977.

1977 EUR 600.00 - 700.00 Unknown
140 CAMILO JOSE CELA (Iria Flavia, A Coruna, 1916 - Madrid, 2002).

"The family of Pascual Duarte",

1964 EUR 250.00 - 300.00 Unknown
141 CAMILO JOSE CELA (Iria Flavia, A Coruna, 1916 - Madrid, 2002) and RAFAEL ZABALETA (Quesada, Jaen, 1907-1960).

"El Solitario y los Suenos de Quesada", illustrated by Rafael Zabaleta.

1963 EUR 250.00 - 300.00 Unknown
142 CAMILO JOSE CELA (Iria Flavia, A Coruna, 1916 - Madrid, 2002) and EBERHARD SCHLOTTER (Hildesheim, 1921 - Altea, 2014).

"Don Quixote as read by Camilo Jose Cela". With 40 color etchings by Eberhard Schlotter.

EUR 3,000.00 - 3,500.00 Unknown
143 CALDERON DE LA BARCA (Madrid, 1600 - 1681) and SALVADOR DALI (Figueres, Girona, 1904 - 1989).

"Life is a dream, 1975.

1975 EUR 2,000.00 - 2,500.00 Unknown
144 CAMILO JOSE CELA (Iria Flavia, A Coruna, 1916 - Madrid, 2002).

"Chronicle of the Cipote de Archidona", 1977. Illustrations by Lorenzo Goni with 4 etchings.

1977 EUR 250.00 - 300.00 Unknown
145 CAMILO JOSE CELA (Iria Flavia, 1916-Madrid, 2002) and PABLO PICASSO (Malaga, 1881- Mougins, France, 1973).

"Sheaf of fables without love", illustrated by Picasso. 1962.

1962 EUR 400.00 - 500.00 Unknown
146 SALVADOR ESPRIU I CASTELLO (1913- Barcelona, 1985).

"Book of Sinera", 1977. Bilingual text with engravings by Hernandez Pijuan, Jorge Castillo, A. Fresquet, Borja de Pedro, Carbo Berthold, Glauco Capozzoli. Issue 17/50.

1977 EUR 300.00 - 350.00 Unknown
147 ADOLPH C. WINTERNITZ (Vienna, 1906-Lima, 1993) and FRANCOIS MARECHAL (France, 1938-2018).

"Apocalypse of St. John",

1986 EUR 600.00 - 700.00 Unknown
148 JOAQUIN SOROLLA Y BASTIDA (Valencia, 1863 - Cercedilla, Madrid, 1923).

Artist's book "Los paisajes de Sorolla" with two plates.

EUR 900.00 - 1,000.00 Unknown
149 JOAQUIN SOROLLA Y BASTIDA (Valencia, 1863 - Cercedilla, Madrid, 1923).

Artist's book "Sorolla's sea".

EUR 900.00 - 1,000.00 Unknown
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