Swaen Map Auction: Maps and Altases, 22316, Indian Rocks Beach

Auction Details

Auction Date
February 23, 2016 - February 23, 2016
Page Size: 560 items in 23 pages

Lot Number Author Name Book Title Place Printed Year Published Estimate Actual Price
92478 CHATELAIN, Henri Abraham

Carte De L'Europe Suivant Les Plus Nouvelles Observations De Messieurs De L'Academie Des Sciences . . .

Amsterdam 1728 USD 450.00 - 500.00 Unknown

Carta Topografica di Costantinopoli e dei Luoghi adiacenti.

Italy c1770 USD 360.00 - 750.00 Unknown
92696 D'ANVILLE, J.


Paris 1753 USD 300.00 - 400.00 Unknown

Carte de L'Ocean Atlantique Meridional.

Paris 1834 USD 240.00 - 400.00 Unknown
92744 VON REILLY, J.

Die Landschaft Romanien, No 16.

Vienna 1789 USD 115.00 - 150.00 Unknown

Pharaoh's Dream.

Augsburg 1731 USD 110.00 - 175.00 Unknown

Combat de la Fregate la Pomone.

Paris 1844 USD 300.00 - 400.00 Unknown
92768 ALBRIZZI, G.

Stati del Turco Situati Nell Europa, Asia ed Affrica.

Venice from 1740-1762 USD 225.00 - 275.00 Unknown
92789 BLOME, R.

(Two engravings) The Gentleman's Recreation.

London 1686 USD 200.00 - 250.00 Unknown
92792 BLAEU, W.

Tartaria Sive Magnichami Imperium.

Amsterdam 1650 USD 550.00 - 700.00 Unknown
92811 CAMPBELL, C,

The Elevation of Rowhampton House in Surrey, the seat of Thomas Cary.

London 1712 USD 150.00 - 200.00 Unknown
92812 CAMPBELL, C.

The Plans, Elevations and Section of Bon-Steeple in Cheapside.

London 1715 USD 180.00 - 250.00 Unknown
92831 DIDEROT, D.

Blason ou Art Héraldique.

Paris c1763 USD 300.00 - 500.00 Unknown
92856 BUFFON, G.

2 maps: Carte des declinaisons et inclinaisons de l'aiguille aimantée...1775

Paris 1788 USD 600.00 - 800.00 Unknown
92857 BUCHON, A.

Carte Geographique, Statistique et Historique Du New-Jersey.

Paris 1825 USD 150.00 - 200.00 Unknown
92859 BUFFON, G.

Carte des déclinaisons et inclinaisons de l'aiguille aimantée...1775

Paris 1788 USD 300.00 - 500.00 Unknown
92861 VERSTEEG, W. F.

Kaart van de westerhelft der Residentie Timor.

Haarlem 1860 USD 120.00 - 200.00 Unknown
93034 PICART, B.

[2 engravings] Ceremonie Religieuse des Habitans de l'Isle Espagnolle.- Maniere dont les prêtres Caribes souflent le Courage.Plate 95 & 96

Amsterdam 1721 USD 90.00 - 100.00 Unknown
93056 SHARP, W.

Charles The First, King of Great Britain, &c. &c. &c.

London 1815 USD 125.00 - 165.00 Unknown
93168 PICARD, B.

Ceremonie Nuptiale du Japon / Ceremonie Funebre du Japon.

Paris 1727 USD 60.00 - 150.00 Unknown
93204 Dr James Playfair


London 1814 USD 125.00 - 150.00 Unknown
93206 HALL, Sidney

Central America and the West Indies from the latest and best authorities.

London 1840 USD 90.00 - 100.00 Unknown
93218 DIDEROT, D.

(Complete 9 Plate set) Fleuriste Artificiel.

Paris 1751 USD 200.00 - 260.00 Unknown
93233 DIDEROT, D.

(5 Plates depicting art of gilding) Doreur.

Paris 1751 USD 150.00 - 200.00 Unknown
93344 CHEREAU, J.

Vue Perspective de L'Interieur de L'Eglise des Invalides Prise Dessous les Orgues.

Paris 1750 USD 200.00 - 250.00 Unknown
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