Not since David and Goliath... A ragtag army of independent, unrelated booksellers took on the largest retailer the world has ever known, Amazon, and won. Experts looking at the situation could not recall this ever happening before. Amazon moves for no one. Now there is an exception, and it comes from the field that gave the marketing behemoth its birth - bookselling.
It began in late October when AbeBooks, the antiquarian and used book selling subsidiary of Amazon, decided to cut off dealers from a few countries from selling on their platform. AbeBooks sent notices to dealers in the Cz...
The availability of many forms of collectible material causes some collectors to consider or reconsider if they are exclusively a book, map, manuscript, photography or ephemera collector. Most col...
What is it about books that don’t sell? We all have them; we all wonder why?
Last month, the Guardian in London ran an article headlined: “Readers rejoice as shop sells book that sat on shelf ...
David Hall, the long established auctioneer who runs National Book Auctions and Worth Auctions in Freeville, New York near Ithaca, has been arrested and charged with second degree grand larceny. ...
Print newspapers are a dying breed. We have known that for a long time. While the number of newspaper closures has actually slowed recently, this is more a temporary bump in the road than a change ...
Mr. Jay, a magician estimated to be 70 or 72, depending on who is talking and what they have been smoking, it's being said he passed away, but those who have followed his career know better. He wa...
A few days after December’s issue of Rare Book Monthly releases, Irish auction house Fonsie Mealy Auctioneers will be hosting their #307Rare Book Sale, comprising 920 lots. While an Anglo-Irish and...
Rare books have become rarer with the Internet. Yet, despite Google, some remain nowhere to be found. After chasing down a particular one for years, I gave up—and ordered a facsimile. From Delhi, I...
On December 5th in New York promptly at 10:00 am EST Bonhams will be hosting an important auction of collectible material. As do auction houses worldwide December frequently includes much of the b...
Archives International Auctions will be holding their 50th auction sale since opening their doors 11 years ago. This latest auction will run for two days, December 3-4. It is a major auction of mat...
Flamingo Eventz stays busy organizing fairs in the northeast of the United States. For this Christmas season they are hosting a “quickie” 4 hour event on December 8th in Bedford, NH at Noah’s Eve...
The battle over how a Brexit will look has caught the eye of CINOA. Brexit, of course, is the planned exit by Britain from the European Union, scheduled for March 29, 2019. CINOA is the Internation...
Later this month, Pierre Bergé associés in association with Sotheby’s will be hosting another sale of La bibliothèque de Pierre Bergé. In the last three years, three sales of literature have alrea...
Libraries face grave dangers as they try to preserve indefinitely the books and other written words and images of history. There are the scourges of fire, floods, theft, along with those resulting ...
With the holiday season upon us, booksellers are making the most of the giving season. Sixteen new catalogues are up for review this month. For those looking for the uncommon and unusual, Brian Cas...
Il Ponte, Feb. 25-26: [CANALETTO] - VISENTINI, Antonio (1688-1782) da Giovanni Antonio CANAL (1697-1768, detto 'Il Canaletto') - Urbis Venetiarum prospectus celebriores. Venezia: Giovanni Battista Pasquale, 1742-51. €7.000-€10.000
Il Ponte, Feb. 25-26: LA FONTAINE, Jean de (1621-1695) - Fables Choisies. Parigi: Claude Barbin, 1668. €7.000-€10.000
Il Ponte, Feb. 25-26: MERCATOR, Rumold (1545-1599) - [I continenti] - Europa; Africa; America Sive India Nova; Asia. Amsterdam: S.d. [ca. 1633]. €2.000-€3.000