Rare Book Monthly
The June Issue of the Comet Announced: The Book as Art and Object
By Bruce McKinney
The subject of the June issue of the Comet will be The Book as Art and Object. Books are valued for many reasons. Some individuals collect a field, others first editions or every edition of a particular book. Others collect all material by and about a particular subject or author. Others collect by genre. What all acquire are bibliographic materials about their field. What all hope to possess are exceptional copies in their areas of interest that are artfully designed, skillfully printed and/or exceptionally bound. Though rarely found such items are much admired and sought after. The June issue of the Comet focuses on these special copies.
The emphasis on books as knowledge has always coexisted with the book as art for even before books were printed they were hand written, bedecked in extraordinary bindings, even encrusted with gems. Rising literacy and the invention of printing broadened the distribution of books and exponentially increased ownership and this of course changed the relationship between art and the book. Nevertheless, the artful copy has persisted as a collecting object and continues today to attract both artists to create exceptional bindings, printers to produce extraordinary productions and collectors to pursue and acquire such objects for their collections. The Comet in June will present such material.
For dealers who list their material on the Americana Exchange a fresh screen will be posted on your home pages by May 15th. The new catalogue will be released on June 1st and will be searchable for one year. An essay will introduce the catalogue.
Per usual all premium services members are eligible to list up to seven items in the Comet. There are no commissions. Images are always important, for ephemera essential. We will email all eligible members on May 15th and close the catalogue on May 29th. Links to upload are provided on Member Control Panels via "Contribute Material to the Next Issue of the Comet."
New listing members will become eligible for participation as soon as their accounts are established. If you have questions contact bmckinney@americanaexchange.com or call 415.823.6678. If we are not available we will reply promptly.
Bruce McKinney
For AE