Rare Book Monthly

Articles - August - 2024 Issue

Some Idaho Libraries Transitioning to ‘ADULTS Only’ in Response To Recent Draconian Legislation

New legislation in Idaho that took effect on July 1 resulted in drastic limitations to library access for children.

New legislation in Idaho that took effect on July 1 resulted in drastic limitations to library access for children.

A new Idaho law that took effect July 1, may result in state libraries transitioning to “adults-only,” according to a detailed report from the Idaho Capital Sun.

Under the new rules, library staff won’t let kids in unless a parent is present with them at all times, a parent signs paperwork allowing their child to enter only for programming, or a parent waives their rights under the new law and lets their child check out materials without a parent present.

House Bill 710 — passed in April, following years of similar attempts by the Idaho Legislature — requires Idaho public and school libraries to remove materials deemed harmful to children, or face lawsuits.

That’s if libraries don’t move materials within 60 days of receiving a request to relocate the material “to a section designated for adults only.”

I can assure you that there is no book banning, and there’s no book burning and there’s no book removal anywhere in this legislation,” bill sponsor Rep. Jaron Crane, R-Nampa, said in a committee hearing.

The new law was widely reported in Idaho where many were dismayed at what the future might hold. According to a July 19 news story on KTVB7 in Boise, the "Library Bill," left many local librarians feeling vulnerable to outside forces.

"I feel like there are people that will take advantage of this law to try to push their agenda," said Stephanie Jewett, director of Camas County Community Library. "They can come in and require that we submit to whatever they feel is right even though they have never set foot in this library.”

The new Children's School and Library Protection Act opens libraries to civil lawsuits if they don't remove a book someone considers harmful to minors. This means libraries and school districts that didn't already have a formal ‘materials review process’ in place had to come up with one.

While the law has been in effect for over two weeks, some Idaho libraries have revised their reconsideration policies, imposing restrictions on who can challenge their books.”

Among those sounding the alarm was Take Action for Libraries, a political action arm of EveryLibrary.org which noted in a July 3rd post, “...the law's restrictions are inherently vague and constitute numerous issues for library workers who operate smaller libraries or lack the space—such as a separate room for ‘adults only material’—to comply with the bill…..Because of the vague regulations, parents may submit requests to remove ANY materials that they disagree with.

Once a request is submitted, library workers have 60 days to move the material to a designated adult-only section of the library that is properly equipped to keep minors out. This means that not only is the book moved to the adult section, but no children are even allowed in it.

Children in Idaho libraries can also no longer access any books in the adult section, including books on travel, history, science, math, religious texts, and any other materials typically kept in the adult section.

The adult section must be completely locked off from the children's area, and you now need an ID to access it….If they fail to comply with the bill, the parent may sue the library in a civil lawsuit for each book they dislike. The library would owe the individual $250 in damages in addition to other fees for every book.”

The new Idaho legislation has received little if any national attention.

New signs posted in Idaho libraries read:


Pursuant to Idaho Code 18-1514 that becomes effective July 1, 2024 to proceed beyond this point you must be 18 years of age or older. If you are under 30 please be prepared to show Photo ID


Have an unrestricted library card. Please have your card ready to be scanned.


Be accompanied by your parent or legal guardian who must sign an affidavit every time you come to the library.

Posted On: 2024-08-05 00:26
User Name: capturedtyme

Sorry, children should not have access to pornography or sexual deviancy. That is just simple logic to most people. It is a very strange person who thinks they should. I think this law is a wonderful compromise. It will take some time to work out the rough spots, but it will work out just fine in the end. A special thank you to those who are in favor of protecting our children. And as for adults who love this type of filth; why can't you buy your own and stop using our tax dollars to pay for your smut.

Posted On: 2024-08-08 19:50
User Name: bookdemon

We do buy (and sell) our own, oh great moral one. And, your precious tax dollars are
for war and your children are already on pornhub. So relax.

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