Rare Book Monthly

Articles - July - 2023 Issue

Library Book Returned 81 Years Late. Perhaps the Borrower Thought He Was Doing Other Patrons a Favor Keeping It.

Library card image from the Timberland Regional Library (formerly Aberdeen Public Library).

Library card image from the Timberland Regional Library (formerly Aberdeen Public Library).

There seems to have been a rash of stories about long overdue library books being returned many years late recently. Perhaps people's consciences have become more sensitive, or maybe it's because most libraries have eliminated overdue book fines. It's safe now. Whatever the reason, this book was returned 81 years late to the Timberland Regional Library in Aberdeen, Washington.


The book was The Bounty Trilogy, a book consisting of three novels by Charles Nordhoff and James Norman Hall. It includes their best known novel, Mutiny on the Bounty, along with Men Against the Sea and Pitcairn's Island. It was taken out by a man who has not been identified but who died in 2001. It was borrowed in March 1942 and was supposed to be returned within two weeks. After that, a fine of 2 cents a day was charged. They calculated the fine to be $484.80. If that sounds a bit low, they didn't charge fines on Sundays or holidays. However, Timberland was one of those libraries that eliminated overdue book fines so nothing was due.


The book was discovered in a storage trailer. The finder, evidently a believer in the old adage, “better late than never,” did the right thing and returned it. The grateful library posted on their Facebook page, “The moral of this story? If you have an overdue book collecting dust - return it to the library. We'll take it back, and the bounty will be considered paid.”


The book, particularly the first part, Mutiny on the Bounty, received excellent reviews when released and has long been very popular. You can still borrow a copy from the Timberland Library today. However, the borrower clearly was not impressed. Perhaps he kept it to spare others from suffering through it. He has written a terse comment inside, “I wouldn’t read this if I was paid to.” He never finished it.

Posted On: 2023-07-21 17:51
User Name: kevinhudds

2cents a day when did aberdeen get moved to america

Posted On: 2023-07-22 18:16
User Name: ae244155

There are 17 of them in America. Is there one someplace else? LOL.

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