• Heritage Auctions, Oct. 10:-11: J. R. R. Tolkien. The Lord of the Rings Trilogy. London, 1954-1955.FIRST EDITIONS, FIRST IMPRESSIONS, ALL IN THE EXTREMELY RARE FIRST STATE DUST JACKETS.
    Heritage Auctions, Oct. 10:-11: Francesco Fontana. Novae coelestium terrestriumque rerum observationes... Naples: Gaffari, 1646. FIRST EDITION. Contains the first observations of spots on the surface of Mars.
    Heritage Auctions, Oct. 10:-11: Adam Smith. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. London: Printed for W. Strahan and T. Cadell, 1776. FIRST EDITION of “the first and greatest classic of modern economic thought” (PMM).
    Heritage Auctions, Oct. 10:-11: Benjamin Franklin. Mémoires de la Vie Privée de Benjamin Franklin, écrits par lui-méme… Paris: Chez Buisson, 1791. FIRST EDITION OF FRANKLIN'S MEMOIRS IN THE PUBLISHER'S ORIGINAL WRAPPERS.
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    Heritage Auctions, Oct. 10:-11: [Photoplay]. Delos W. Lovelace. King Kong. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, [1932]. FIRST EDITION of "a most sought after title" (Davis).
    Heritage Auctions, Oct. 10:-11: Ray Bradbury. Fahrenheit 451. New York: Simon & Schuster, [1993]. 40th Anniversary Edition. PRESENTATION COPY, INSCRIBED AND SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR TO HUGH HEFNER.
    Heritage Auctions, Oct. 10:-11: Neil Gaiman. Original manuscript for the "Neverwhere" BBC television miniseries. [London: Crucial Films, LTD., 1995-1996]. TYPESCRIPT "NEVERWHERE" WITH NEIL GAIMAN'S NOTES AND AMENDATIONS THROUGHOUT.
    Heritage Auctions, Oct. 10:-11: [DICTIONARY]. Noah Webster. An American Dictionary of the English Language... New York, 1828. FIRST EDITION OF WEBSTER'S DICTIONARY, UNCUT IN THE PUBLISHER'S ORIGINAL BOARDS
    Heritage Auctions, Oct. 10:-11: Stephen King. Full Dark, No Stars. Baltimore: Cemetery Dance Publications, 2010. WITH AN ORIGINAL TWO-PAGE COLOR ILLUSTRATION BY GLENN CHADBOURNE
    Heritage Auctions, Oct. 10:-11: George Orwell. Nineteen Eighty-Four. London: Secker & Warburg, 1949. FIRST EDITION, IN THE ORIGINAL DUST JACKET.
    Heritage Auctions, Oct. 10:-11: H. G. Wells. The Time Machine: An Invention. London: William Heinemann, 1895 [but 1897]. With a SIGNED PHOTOGRAPHIC POSTCARD laid in.
  • Old World Auctions (Oct. 10): Lot 1. Rare First Edition of Oronce Fine Double-Cordiform World Map (1531) Est. $50,000 - $60,000
    Old World Auctions (Oct. 10): Lot 2. French Edition of "Rudimentum Novitiorum" with Woodcut Maps of the World and Palestine (1543) Est. $27,500 - $35,000
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    Dominic Winter, Oct. 9: Lot 2 - Agassiz (Louis). Etudes sur les Glaciers, 2 volumes, 1840. £1,000-1,500
    Dominic Winter, Oct. 9: Lot 234 - Bible [English]. [The Holy Bible, Imprinted at London by Christopher Barker, 1584]. £1,200-1,500
    Dominic Winter, Oct. 9: Lot 288 - Florio (John). A Worlde of Wordes, or most Copious, and Exact Dictionary in Italian and English, 1598. £2,000-3,000
    Dominic Winter, Oct. 9: Lot 289 - Cotgrave (Randle). A Dictionary of the French and English Tongues, 1st edition, 1611. £700-1,000
    Dominic Winter, Oct. 9: Lot 368 - Grahame (Kenneth). The Wind in the Willows, 1st edition, 1908. £700-1,000
    Dominic Winter, Oct. 9: Lot 52 - Phillimore (R. H.). Historical Records of The Survey of India, 4 vols, 1st edition, 1945-58. £1,000-1,500
    Dominic Winter, Oct. 9: Lot 92 - Albin (Eleazar). A Natural History of English Insects, 1st London, 1720. £2,500-3,500
    Dominic Winter, Oct. 9: Lot 99 - Leach (William Elford). Malacostraca Podophthalmata Britanniae, 1815-20 & 1875. £2,500-3,500
    Dominic Winter, Oct. 9: Lot 247 - Embroidered binding - Bible [English]. The Holy Bible, 1660. £500-800
    Dominic Winter, Oct. 9: Lot 282 - Nightingale (Florence). Notes on Nursing, 1st ed., 2nd issue, [1860], signed presentation copy. £1,000-1,500
    Dominic Winter, Oct. 9: Lot 66 - Ward (Rowland, editor). Great and Small Game of Africa, limited edition, 1899. £600-800
    Dominic Winter, Oct. 9: Lot 235 - Campo (Antonio). Cremona Fedelissima Citta, 1st edition, 1585. £2,000-3,000
    Dominic Winter, Oct. 9: Lot 355 - Jewish playing cards. Artistic Palestine Play-Cards, Jerusalem: Duchifat Press, circa 1920. £200-300
    Dominic Winter, Oct. 9: Lot 102 - America. Lea (P. & J. Overton). A New Mapp of America..., London: circa 1686. £1,000-1,500
    Dominic Winter, Oct. 9: Lot 161 - North America. Laurie (R. H.), Map of the Southern Dominions belonging to the United States, 1823. £500-800

Rare Book Monthly

Articles - January - 2019 Issue

A Greek Monastery Battles Princeton University for Some Very Old Manuscripts

St. John Climacus' Heavenly Ladder from 1081 (Princeton University Press photo).

St. John Climacus' Heavenly Ladder from 1081 (Princeton University Press photo).

"Possession is nine-tenths of the law" is one of those old idioms that may need updating, at least in the books and manuscripts field. In recent years, it has been more common to look at old transfers of possession to see if they were legally accomplished. If an item was stolen, even many years ago, title never transferred, meaning the original owner (or their heirs) still owns the property. They have a right to reclaim it, without paying anything for it. If the alleged theft or illegal transfer was recent, it usually can be readily determined who is the rightful owner. What if the transfer happened a century or more ago, under uncertain circumstances, with no living witnesses to be found? Now it gets murky.


Princeton University was sued last month by a monastery in rural Greece. The suit is based on a claim a century old. Princeton disagrees. Here is the story, as alleged by the Theotokos Eikosiphoinissa Monastery, along with the Holy Metropolis of Drama and Bartholomew I, Archbishop of Constantinople. That's a mighty troika, but then again, so is Princeton strong, and the university gets to play on its home field, the Federal District Court of New Jersey.


At issue are four manuscripts. They are dated to 955, 1081, and the "new" one, the 16th century. The monastery is even older, dating to the 5th century. The plaintiffs argue that the manuscripts were housed in the monastery library for "centuries." However, on March 27, 1917, in the midst of the First World War, they allege, "Bulgarian forces stormed the Monastery and stole the most valuable manuscripts of the Monastery's library, including the Manuscripts at issue here." They continue, the manuscripts were taken to the Bulgarian capitol city of Sophia. Within a few years, these and other stolen manuscripts, they say, made their way to dealers and auction houses across central Europe.


In 1921, the 16th century manuscript was sold by Baer Auction House. The purchaser was Princeton University. In 1924, the other three were purchased by Robert Garrett, a collector of antiquarian manuscripts and a trustee of Princeton University (he also won the discus and shot put competition at the 1896 Olympics in Athens). He gave them to Princeton in 1942.


The Eastern Orthodox Church has made several claims for old manuscripts they believe were taken illegally in recent years. Sometimes, the holders of such material agree the claims are justified and voluntarily turn them over. Duke University and the Getty Museum have returned manuscripts in recent years. However, more often, the holders believe their possession is legal.


In what is the ultimate case of "gotcha," the Monastery cites the publication Greek Manuscripts at Princeton, Sixth to Nineteenth Century A Descriptive Catalogue, by Sofia Kotzabassi and Nancy Patterson Sevcenko, published by the Princeton University Press in 2010. That catalogue notes that the 1081 manuscript was described in the Kerameus Catalogue as being in the monastery's library in 1885. It then goes on to say, "In 1917 it was removed from the monastery by the Bulgarian authorities and presumably taken to Sofia." The Princeton catalogue concludes its discussion of provenance by noting it showed up in Joseph Baer's catalogues in 1920-21, and was purchased in 1924 on behalf of Robert Garrett by bookseller Wilfrid Voynich (he of Voynich manuscript fame). In the case of the 16th century manuscript, the Princeton Catalogue states that it was written at the Eikosiphoinissa Monastery where it remained until 1917, next showing up in the 1920-21 Baer catalogue, and sold that year to Princeton University.


To further its claim that the manuscripts were stolen by the Bulgarian troops, the Monastery also alleges, "On March 27, 1917, Bulgarian troops stormed the Monastery, assaulted the resident monks, and stole, among other things, the most valuable manuscripts of its library, including the Manuscripts. The theft is recounted in a letter dated March 31, 1917 - four days after the theft - and written by the Mayor of Drama to the Greek Foreign Affairs Delegation of Sofia, Bulgaria. A copy of the letter [was] published in Rapports et Enquetes de la Commission Interalliee Sur Les Violations Du Droit Des Gens Commises En Macedoine Orinetale."


Of course, this is the Monastery's side of the story. We don't yet know Princeton's position. They have made no official statement pertaining to the lawsuit. However, it has been reported that university spokesman Michael Hotchkiss issued an email statement, that "based on the information available to us, we have found no basis to conclude that the manuscripts in our possession were looted during World War I or otherwise improperly removed from the possession of the Patriarchate."


We don't yet know to what sort of "information" Princeton is referring. Perhaps they believe the monastery was not "stormed," or the manuscripts "stole[n]." Maybe they are simply referring to what they consider insufficient confirming evidence of the Monastery's claim. We do not know. Possession does matter, and right now, Princeton has possession. However, to say it represents 9/10ths of the law anymore seems a bit optimistic. I don't know who will win this case, but possession is no longer a guarantee.

Posted On: 2019-01-20 21:05

possession is no longer a guarantee
it seems obvious that the manuscripts were removed as documented. that the provenance through the booksellers to Princeton is straightforward. Princeton possession of these manuscripts is move than a century old. Yet they had been at the monastery for centuries. Princeton's arguments [as they are so weak] present a case against them in their own words. Why should they claim ownership? Is there a cultural obligation, a bibliographic protocol that a manuscript return and remain where it was originally housed? Does Princeton ignore the claims of the institution strictly on possession. This is not a football.

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