Rare Book Monthly

Articles - October - 2014 Issue

Auction Preview: Bonhams' History of Science

It's rare for AE to feature an auction preview where the headlining item isn't considered part of books, maps, or ephemera, but Bonhams New York's History of Science on October 22nd is one such sale. The sale contains many items that will be added to the AE Database once its results are posted--everything on paper. However, those items are not the reason why the sale has been featured in the news recently.

The reason this sale is particularly significant is lot 286, which is a functioning motherboard for the Apple I computer, the first pre-assembled personal computer to ever be sold. This began the modern computing era. You can see a neat video hosted on Bonhams website of the Apple I in action by clicking here. You could buy many brand new modern day Apple computers for the estimated price of the Apple I ($300,000-500,000), and they'd be faster and more capable by light years, but this computer is truly a piece of history. Working Apple Is have sold for huge amounts recently.

The range of topics covered in this general sale of science is broad. The following are highlights and interesting items available for bidding.


  • Lot 58w, being an archive of pioneering astronomer, photographer and telescope designer George Willis Ritchey. Contained within the lot are hundreds of photographs of the universe as well as glass slides, and books on astronomy. Estimated $450,000-550,000.

  • Lot 48, Johannes Kepler’s last publication, Tabulae Rudolphinae, quibus Astronomicae scientiae, temporum longinquitate collapsae Restauratio continetur, which was later called “the foundation of all planetary calculations for over a century” by Ruth Sparrow in her Milestones of Science.

Natural History

  • Lot 74, Nathaniel Wallich’s Plantae Asiaticae Rariores, or, Descriptions and Figures of a Select Number of Unpublished East Indian Plants. Contains 295 full page hand-colored lithograph plates. Estimated $35,000-55,000.

  • Lot 78, an exhibition broadside entitled “Great American Mastodon!! Now Exhibiting at the Hall”, circa 1846. Estimated $2,000-3,000.


  • Lots 128 through 132 are superb prints of human muscles by Arnauld-Eloi Gautier D’Agoty. Each of them estimated $1,200-1,800.

  • Lot 142, for those interested in plastic surgery, an untitled article on Hindu rhinoplasty is the first Western reference on the pratice that would later take LA by storm. Estimated $800-1,200.

Autograph Letters Signed

  • Lot 80, ALS by Charles Darwin containing questions about the reproductive act among barnacles. Estimated $20,000-30,000.

  • Lots 256, 257 and 259, being autograph letters and postcards signed by Albert Einstein. Estimated $5,000-8,000; $2,500-3,500; $3,000-5,000.

  • Lots 276-278, being an autograph letter, photograph and document signed by Thomas Edison. Estimated $1,500-2,000; $1,500-2,000; $1,000-1,500.

Bidding for the sale begins on October 22, 2014 at 1pm EDT. The sale's catalogue is available for viewing in its entirety on Bonhams' website. Bidding is available in person, over the phone, and over the internet. Prospective bidders using Bonhams' website must register prior on their site, direct link to registration here.


Rare Book Monthly

  • Koller, Mar. 26: Wit, Frederick de. Atlas. Amsterdam, de Wit, [1680]. CHF 20,000 to 30,000
    Koller, Mar. 26: Merian, Maria Sibylla. Der Raupen wunderbare Verwandelung, und sonderbare Blumennahrung. Nürnberg, 1679; Frankfurt a. M. und Leipzig, 1683. CHF 20,000 to 30,000
    Koller, Mar. 26: GOETHE, JOHANN WOLFGANG VON. Faust. Ein Fragment. Von Goethe. Ächte Ausgabe. Leipzig, G. J. Göschen, 1790. CHF 7,000 to 10,000
    Koller, Mar. 26: Hieronymus. [Das hochwirdig leben der außerwoelten freünde gotes der heiligen altuaeter]. Augsburg, Johann Schönsperger d. Ä., 9. Juni 1497. CHF 40,000 to 60,000.
    Koller, Mar. 26: BIBLIA GERMANICA - Neunte deutsche Bibel. Nürnberg, A. Koberger, 17. Feb. 1483. CHF 40,000 to 60,000
    Koller, Mar. 26: HORAE B.M.V. - Stundenbuch. Lateinische Handschrift auf Pergament, Kalendarium französisch. Nordfrankreich (Rouen?). CHF 25,000 to 40,000
  • Sotheby'sSell Your Fine Books & Manuscripts Sotheby'sSell Your Fine Books & Manuscripts
    Sell Your Fine Books & Manuscripts
    Sell Your Fine Books & Manuscripts
    Sotheby’s: The Shem Tov Bible, 1312 | A Masterpiece from the Golden Age of Spain. Sold: 6,960,000 USD
    Sotheby’s: Ten Commandments Tablet, 300-800 CE | One of humanity's earliest and most enduring moral codes. Sold: 5,040,000 USD
    Sotheby’s: William Blake | Songs of Innocence and of Experience. Sold: 4,320,000 USD
    Sotheby’s: The Declaration of Independence | The Holt printing, the only copy in private hands. Sold: 3,360,000 USD
    Sell Your Fine Books & Manuscripts
    Sotheby’s: Thomas Taylor | The original cover art for Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Sold: 1,920,000 USD
    Sotheby’s: Machiavelli | Il Principe, a previously unrecorded copy of the book where modern political thought began. Sold: 576,000 GBP
    Sotheby’s: Leonardo da Vinci | Trattato della pittura, ca. 1639, a very fine pre-publication manuscript. Sold: 381,000 GBP
    Sotheby’s: Henri Matisse | Jazz, Paris 1947, the complete portfolio. Sold: 312,000 EUR
  • SwannPrinted & Manuscript African AmericanaMarch 20, 2025 SwannPrinted & Manuscript African AmericanaMarch 20, 2025
    Printed & Manuscript African Americana
    March 20, 2025
    Printed & Manuscript African Americana
    March 20, 2025
    Swann, Mar. 20: Lot 7: Thomas Fisher, The Negro's Memorial or Abolitionist's Catechism, London, 1825. $6,000 to $9,000.
    Swann, Mar. 20: Lot 78: Victor H. Green, The Negro Travelers' Green Book, New York, 1958. $20,000 to $30,000.
    Swann, Mar. 20: Lot 99: Rosa Parks, Hand-written recollection of her first meeting with Martin Luther King Jr., autograph manuscript, Detroit, c. 1990s. $30,000 to $40,000.
    Swann, Mar. 20: Lot 154: Frederick Douglass, Autograph statement on voting rights, signed manuscript, 1866. $20,000 to $30,000.
    Swann, Mar. 20: Lot 164: W.E.B. Du Bois, What the Negro Has Done for the United States and Texas, Washington, circa 1936. $3,000 to $4,000.
    Printed & Manuscript African Americana
    March 20, 2025
    Swann, Mar. 20: Lot 263: Susan Paul, Memoir of James Jackson, Boston, 1835. $6,000 to $9,000.
    Swann, Mar. 20: Lot 267: Langston Hughes, Gypsy Ballads, signed translation of García Lorca's poetry, Madrid, 1937. $1,500 to $2,500.
    Swann, Mar. 20: Lot 274: Malcolm X, Collection from Alex Haley's estate, 38 items, 1963-1971. $4,000 to $6,000.
    Swann, Mar. 20: Lot 367: Solomon Northup, Twelve Years a Slave, Auburn, NY, 1853. $2,500 to $3,500.
    Swann, Mar. 20: Lot 402: Anna Julia Cooper, A Voice from the South, Xenia, OH, 1892. $2,000 to $3,000.

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