Spanish and Portuguese Related Material from Paul Orssich

Spanish and Portuguese Related Material from Paul Orssich

Walter Bromley did not have a much higher view of the moral practices in Spain and Portugal than did Matthews. In 1812 he published The Distressed and Destitute State of the Inhabitants of Spain and Portugal, respecting Moral and Religious Instruction; from the most recent Investigation, by an Old Officer... And an old crank, too. Bromley writes, "The members of the Spanish government, being composed of the principal nobility, are men of little information, having been taught nothing but the very dross of theology..." Item 33. £130 (US $192).

Item 110 is Random Sketches of Buenos Ayres, with Explanatory Notes, by William F. Nimmo, published in 1868. Nimmo sailed from Glasgow that year, a nine-week voyage in those days, to visit the Argentine city. He herein describes, and sketches, the sites he saw. £230 (US $340).

Paul Orssich can be reached at 020 7787 0030 (International 44 + 20 7787 0030) or Theiir website is