A Late Spring from Elysium Books
A Late Spring from Elysium Books
Item 115 is the privately issued first edition of Andre Gide's autobiographical Si le Grain ne Meurt. This private edition of his confessional memoir was published four years prior to the first public edition. It contains some controversial sections removed from the public edition, including his description of sexual encounters with boys in North Africa. Elysium notes that Gide struggled with the disparate forces of "a puritanical moralism, and the desire for unlimited sensual indulgence..." That's quite a contradiction. Gide was the first openly gay man to win the Nobel Prize for literature (1947). $30,000.
Item 68 is Billy: Idylles d'amour Grec en Angleterre. This is Jean d'Essac's 1938 autobiography of homosexual activities while he was a military cadet in England. Not surprisingly, this was not a bestseller at the time and is quite scarce today. $750.
Proving that many of today's problems are recycled issues, item 15 is Lettres Amoureuses d'un Frere a son eleve. This anonymous circa 1878 rare book is about the love of a priest for his 15-year-old alter boy. $675.
Item 66 is Nous Gens d'Espagne by Nancy Cunard. Cunard was the scion of the Cunard shipping family, growing up in societal wealth. She was anything but what her family might have wanted. A rebel with many causes, she took up an artistic life, including a lesbian affair and marriage to a black musician. This was all in the repressive world of the 1920s and 1930s. She later took up radical causes, including the unsuccessful Spanish Civil War. This 1949 collection of poetry pleads for the refugees and prisoners left from that lost cause. Cunard would eventually fall into madness, lose all of her wealth, and die on the streets of Paris. $250.
You may reach Elysium Books at 802-763-7147 or Elysium@sover.net. Their website is www.elysiumpress.com.