Eveleigh Books Presents Military, Indian, and Other Early Americana from the Guthman Collection

Eveleigh Books Presents Military, Indian, and Other Early Americana from the Guthman Collection
Item 008150 is another one of those first editions that came much later than you would expect: Field Notes of Captain William Clark 1803-1805. This first edition of notes from the Lewis and Clark expedition was not published until 1964. The reason for the delay was that Clark's manuscript of his notes was not discovered until 1953, in an attic in St. Paul. $425.
Every once in awhile, we get to introduce a new word some of you may not know. How about "delftware?" You would recognize it if you saw it. It's most common form is glazed pottery with blue designs on a white background. Your great-aunt had some on her shelf. Item 008042 is Early English Delftware from London and Virginia, by Ivor Hume, published in 1977. English delftware is something of an oxymoron since delftware is supposed to come from Delft, the Netherlands. This is something akin to American champagne. Nevertheless, this book contains photographs of some very beautiful works of art, even if not technically authentic. $95.
Eveleigh Books and Stamps may be reached at 508-785-0931 or estein300@aol.com. Eveleigh Books and Stamps may be reached at 508-785-0931 or estein300@aol.com.