Exceptional Works from Michael Sharpe Rare and Antiquarian Books
Exceptional Works from Michael Sharpe Rare and Antiquarian Books
Item 97 is an astonishing in utero look long before the development of ultrasound. The work is Icones Uteri Humani Observationibus Illustratae by J.G. Roederer, published in 1759. This work on the in utero development of babies includes spectacular illustrations. One can't help but wonder how he knew what to draw, but maybe it's better not to know. Roederer was a professor of medicine as well as a talented artist. $3,750.
Item 29 is a later edition (1827) of an important botanical work, Plantarum Succulentarum Historia. Histoire des Plantes Grasses. The text for this work was written by August Candolle. However, what is more notable is the illustrations. It contains 182 plates by the great rose and flower artist Pierre-Joseph Redoute. This book combines art and science. $28,500.
You may reach Michael Sharpe Rare and Antiquarian Books at 626-405-2934 or info@sharperarebooks.com. Their website is www.sharperarebooks.com.