Latin American and Spanish Works from Libreria de Antano

Latin American and Spanish Works from Libreria de Antano
Item 68 is another first, this time from Borges' contemporary Julio Cortazar (specifically, it is the first work Cortazar published under his own name, having earlier written pseudonymously as "Julio Denis"). It is a poem from 1949 entitled Los Reyes (The Kings). The copy is inscribed by Cortazar and dated "49." $5,000.
Everyone loves railroads. Item 35 is Gustavo Baz and Eduardo Gallo's Historia del Ferrocarril Mexicano (History of the Mexican Railway). It recounts the building of the railway from the coastal city of Veracruz to Mexico City. The revolution which overthrew Emperor Maxmilian temporarily halted construction, but it resumed when pledges were made to continue the work. It was finished in 1873, a year before this book was published. This book contains beautiful scenic railway lithographs. $9,000.
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