Legal Cases and the Law from the Lawbook Exchange

Legal Cases and the Law from the Lawbook Exchange
Item 44 is hard to explain. The title is El Himen en Mexico, or the hymen in Mexico. It is, thankfully, the only edition, published in 1885. Written to assist with legal cases involving rape and virginity, it contains sixteen plates depicting different types of hymens. Author Francisco Flores was a professor at the medical school in Mexico City, and the Lawbook Exchange informs us, "The lithographic plates are based on the anatomy of Mexican women examined by the author." What sacrifices we make for the advancement of knowledge! $650.
Item 4 ties in with the recent news that one of the last three American veterans of World War I died, leaving just two surviving. I can remember when dozens of such veterans paraded in my small hometown on Decoration Day in my youth. Now but two in the country are living. Time marches on. Item 4 is The Treaties of Peace 1919-1923. They are all here, the treaties that ended the war to end all wars. Now just two veterans survive and we are still at war. This collection of treaties was published by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in 1924. $195.
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