Panoramic Photography from Bernard J. Shapero Rare Books
Panoramic Photography from Bernard J. Shapero Rare Books
Usually, we like to describe a few of the items to give a feel for a catalogue, but that is practically impossible with a catalogue of spectacular photographs. I will admit to a few favorites, but words are almost useless to explain why. Mark Ferrez' circa 1885 shots of the waterfront of Rio, with mountains leaping from the bay, are truly spectacular. Niagara Falls is both familiar and beautiful. Californians will appreciate the crowded beachfront of Long Beach in 1920, including the l o n g rollercoaster ride. It was obviously the place to go. The ruins of Palmyra in Syria recall ancient times, while the sands of the Sahara are simply timeless. Hong Kong harbor was filled with hundreds of boats, and the land packed tight with buildings, even in 1870, though the structures did not yet reach to the sky. While there was no color photography in the 19th century, a few of these panoramas have been hand colored, such as the view of Moscow and the Kremlin circa 1875. There are many more, but they are impossible to describe. You must look.
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