Africa Travel from Trophy Room Books

Africa Travel from Trophy Room Books

For an updated view of Abyssinia, there is Abyssinia of To-day, by Robert P. Skinner. "To-day" is a relative term, as this book was published in 1906. Skinner was the leader of the first American mission to Abyssinia, sent by President Theodore Roosevelt. Naturally, they visited in a bit more luxury than previous groups. This copy is signed "F.P. Skinner," perhaps a relative (?) of the author. Item 105. $175.

Rev. J. Ludwig Krapf was a missionary and explorer in Africa, whose achievements, Trophy Room notes, have often been compared to those of David Livingstone. Krapf did not convert a lot of souls, though he tried his best, but did provide a lot of information about unknown inland areas, and evidently attempted to help the people he found. Item 90 is a first edition of Travels, Researches and Missionary East Africa, published in 1860. $1,800. Item 89 is a second edition, published over a century later. $225.

Trophy Room Books is found online at, telephone 816-889-2469.