A Sold Out Catalogue from deHartington and Weiss

A Sold Out Catalogue from deHartington and Weiss
Now for the purchaser...in an insert, Michael deHartington and Burton Weiss inform us that the entire collection was sold en bloc to Cornell University. Perhaps Cornell will use it to warn the young men and women who attend their wonderful college of the dangers lurking in the dark recesses of their dormitory rooms.
We thank Burton Weiss, Bookseller, for sharing this catalogue with us. He may be reached in Berkeley, California, at 510-525-4377, email burtoni@pacbell.net. He specializes in the Spanish Civil War, lesbian and gay literature, modern literature in English, Spanish and Latin American literature, and leftist poetry. Weiss also notes that he sees no honor in selling books for the highest recorded price, but prefers offering the lowest prices.
Though the collection was sold prior to the catalogue being printed, the booksellers decided to go forward with a limited run (100 copies) to be available as a bibliography of this unusual material. You will undoubtedly need to act quickly if you would like to order one of the remaining copies. Priced at $45.