Antique Maps From Martyan Lan
Antique Maps From Martyan Lan
Item 10 is a 1571 Montanus map, Arias Montanus Sacrae Geographiae Tabulam... This is a surprisingly accurate world map, originally included with a Bible, designed to show the repopulation of the world by Noah's descendants. In a precursor to modern beliefs, there's a land bridge across the Bering Straits where the Americas' earliest inhabitants crossed from Asia. And, in a more amazing projection, there is a continent where Australia is located, though Europeans did not discover it for another 30 years. It is not known whether this was pure speculation or information learned from some unrecorded voyage. $20,000.
Item 23 is a late 17th century North American map from Jaillot and Mortier, Amerique Septentrionale divisee en ses Principales Parties... This is an exquisite large (22+" x 34+") map that will look so good on your wall you can ignore the numerous inaccuracies. Among the oddities are two Mississippi Rivers, the Colorado River emanates from the Great Salt Lake, there is a large lake in Georgia, and, of course, California is an island. Also, boundaries were a bit different then. Florida shares a long boundary on its north with Canada, and to its west and southwest with New Mexico and Mexico. Today, Florida is just a fraction of what it once was, Canada, like the glaciers, has receded to the north, and New Mexico no longer borders on the Pacific, but in return, dozens of new states have come into existence. $10,500.
Item 116 is a rare Mexican atlas, Atlas Geografico, Estadistico E Historico De La Republica Mexicana... From 1858, it is the first Mexican atlas produced and printed in Mexico, specifically, Mexico City. $14,500.
Martayan Lan may be found on the internet at or reached by phone at 212-308-0018.