Around the Books Sites: Alibris Offers Listing Tools, Biblio Opens U.K. Site, Abe's Latest Top Ten
- by Michael Stillman

News from around the listing sites.
9. Physico-Mechanical Experiments on Various Subjects by Francis Hauksbee. The author made discoveries that helped lead to neon lighting. Second edition of a work first published in 1709. $4,000.
8. The Tailor of Gloucester by Beatrix Potter, a later printing signed by Peter Rabbit's mom. $4,400.
7. Sartoris by William Faulkner, a first edition published in 1929.
6. Winston S. Churchill, 1874-1965 by Randolph S. Churchill and Martin Gilbert, a first edition set of 24 volumes from 2000, signed by Gilbert. $5,124.
5. The Dispatches of Field Marshal The Duke of Wellington... 14-volume second edition published in 1838. $5,537.
4. Indigenous Flowers of the Hawaiian Islands by Isabell Sinclair, an inscribed 1885 first edition featuring 44 color plates. $5,500.
3. Work from the Same House: Photographs & Etchings by Lee Friedlander and Jim Dine, from a 1969 limited edition of just 75 copies. $7,817.
2. Encyclopaedia of Language and Linguistics edited by Keith Brown, a 14-volume set. $8,020.
1. Imre: A Memorandum by Xavier Mayne (pseudonym for Edward Irenaeus Prime-Stevenson). A 1906 first edition of the first homosexual love story to portray the relationship in a positive light and with a happy ending. This copy is inscribed by "X.M." $12,000.