Looking at Auctions with the MatchMaker Software
- by Julie Carleton
If you wish to change your keywords at anytime you can click on "View, Edit, Delete Keyword(s)" on the Control Panel. This allows you to make adjustments to the Auction Keyword Search whenever you wish.
For example, recently I had wanted to find auction lot records that contained books written by Mark Twain. For my first search I simply entered “Mark” in line one and “Twain” in line two. For my second keyword search I entered “Samuel” in line one and “Clemens” in line two. Several hours later, I received matches in the Auction Keyword Matches page. Of course using two versions of one person’s name is going to find duplicate matches. But it insures that I see every related item and I didn’t have to read each auction catalogues from cover to cover to find them. Presto. I found them all.
In total, I found 199 lots that were matches from 12 different auctions. As I sifted through the results of the Auction Keyword Matches, I found more than just titles by Samuel Clemens. The results also included letters written by Clemens to his family, books with references to Mark Twain’s writings, and biographies of Samuel Clemens. Although I initially began my search just to find titles by Samuel Clemens, I was impressed by the amount of material that was returned from the search. And, without having to make a super-human effort, I could see the entire Samuel Clemens – Mark Twain world quickly. This is simply a much better way to follow the flow of auction material.
The MatchMaker Software’s Auction Matches and Auction Keyword Matches can greatly enhance your quest for books and ephemera that are available in current auctions across the world. With the Auction Matches Module, you can find titles, authors and subjects to match your own custom determined preferences. With the Auction Keyword Matches, you can create your very own keyword query to search for these materials of interest. With the information gathered from these two MatchMaker modules, you can also compare lots, estimated and actual prices in order to make the most informed decision as a buyer.
In summary, MatchMaker’s Auction Matches and Auction Keyword Matches are tools to view and navigate a larger world of books and ephemera on any topic of interest. Because these modules search the whole text of auction listings, you will find materials related to author, title and subject. This in turn will bring you a broader range of sources from which to choose. It’s a new idea and it works and it makes following the world of book auctions easy, exciting and effective.