Using Non-AED Wants to Add to Your MatchMaker Lists

Add My Own Wants

Using the “Non-ÆD Wants” function on MatchMaker is perfect for this purpose. With it, you can create a list of used, out-of-print, or just hard to find books that are not in the ÆD but that you anyway would like to acquire in order to supplement, or complete, your collection. (Remember, ABE, to which MatchMaker uploads, deals not just in rare and antiquarian but also in used and out-of-print books, making it a perfect – dare I say it? – match for this “Non- ÆD Wants” function.)

At this point in my TCP project I have decided that I want to explore the “Non- ÆD Wants” function for both of the above reasons. My only question is how to go about it, and for the answer to this question I turn to the MatchMaker Control Panel.

As those of you experienced with MatchMaker know, there are several ways to get to the MatchMaker Control Panel. I choose what for me is the easiest way: I log on to AE and to go from my AE Personal Home Page to the MatchMaker Control Panel. Here is a reproduction of the MatchMaker Control Panel. Notice at the bottom left hand column, three tan line sections up from the bottom, there is text within a tan band that says “NON- ÆD WANTS”.

Below this text, there are two options, both printed in blue: “Add Wants” and “View/Edit/Upload Non- ÆD Wants.” Sheer intuition would tell us that we have to “Add [Non- ÆD] Wants” before we can view, edit, or upload them. But how do we do this?

Relax, it’s astoundingly easy!

Simply open the “Add Wants” link under the text within a tan band that says “NON- ÆD WANTS”. You will then be brought to another screen called “Add my own Want.” As you can see, this screen asks for some basic information about the book you’d like to add: Author Name; Title; Place Printed; and Year Printed. Important: you must add all of this information in order to register your “Non- ÆD Want.” Doubly important, if not crucial: notice the button to the bottom center of the “Add my own Wants” screen labeled “Save my Want.” If you do not push this button each and every time you add a Non- ÆD Want, your want will NOT be uploaded and will essentially be lost in the system. So don’t forget to push that “Save my Want” button after each and every Non- ÆD Want that you add!!!