Uri Geller Returns Library Book 47 Years Late

- by Michael Stillman

The Geller Papers (a different copy).

We've encountered many stories about long overdue library books, sometimes a century late, finally being returned. They generally involve a book being found in a parent or other long-deceased relative's belongings. This one involves a book being returned by a living person. What's more, the late returner in this case was the author himself. It was Uri Geller, the famed illusionist/psychic. He borrowed the book from the Los Angeles Public Library in 1977, and despite his psychic powers, he was unaware he had it all these years. His mind was evidently focused elsewhere.


The immediate question that comes to mind is why did the author have to borrow a copy of his own book from a library? Wasn't he entitled to a few complimentary copies? The book, published in 1977, is titled The Geller Papers. It describes investigations of his alleged psychic powers. He was visiting L.A. and wanted to show the book to a friend. Since he didn't have a copy with him, he borrowed it from the library. He later placed it with some things and forgot about it when he left the city. It had remained with his effects all these years as he made his way back to his home country of Israel. That's where it was when he discovered the book with his property in a storage container while looking for some vases.


Geller said that he wanted to return it, though he was not located anywhere near the L.A. Library. Fortunately, his daughter lives there. He sent it to her, and she returned it to the library. The branch librarian expressed her thanks, but since the book had been withdrawn from their collection, his daughter was allowed to keep it. As for any late fines, the Los Angeles Public Library stopped collecting late fees a while back so none were assessed, though Mr. Geller undoubtedly could have afforded them.


As for the other question, is Uri Geller really a psychic, that will have to be left to others to determine. He is best known for bending spoons with the power of his mind. Or with the power of sleight of hand. He has his distracters. Some magicians have asserted he is using magic, that is, tricks that fool people into believing he is using paranormal powers. I don't know, though that would seem the more likely explanation. It takes one to know one.