Extra, Extra Read All About It!!!

- by Bruce E. McKinney


James Melvin Lee: HISTORY OF AMERICAN JOURNALISM. Garden City, N.Y.: The Garden City Publishing Co., 1917. Revised edition in 1927. This 462 page work including index covers much of the same material as Bleyer's work but with a slightly different focus and more detail.

John Myers Myers: PRINT IN A WILD LAND. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday & Co., Inc., 1967. A more popular treatment of 19th century journalism in the American West. No notes but bibliography and index.

There are many volumes written on individual newspapers across America.

GAUDY CENTURY, 1848-1948, SAN FRANCISCO'S ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF ROBUST JOURNALISM of special interest. The 302 page work was published by Random House, New York, in 1948.

Another such one paper work is Gene Fowler's TIMBER LINE: A STORY OF BONFILS AND TAMMEN who operated the Denver Post. The 480 page work lacks an index and bibliography but is well written, an interesting look at a yellow journalism paper that ruled the Rockies for many years.